Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Allowing Emotions to Flow

When we contemplate allowing our emotions to flow through our body, we often link our mental thoughts, emotions, and feelings together. We can mentally put a name on the feeling such as,, “I felt joy and happiness, or rage and anger vibrating through my body”. These emotions move through our bodies as Energy. Emotion in […]

Self-Care when Grieving

Self-Care When You’re Grieving Learning how to care for yourself when you’re going through grieving can feel challenging especially if you are already overwhelmed with feeling loss or any grief. Adding the holidays on top of it all can magnify these feelings. Some days it can be a challenge to get out of bed. If […]

Journal for Health Today

Journal for Health and Well-being When we journal for health we have the opportunity to have a more peaceful life. Journaling can help us control our symptoms. When we can prioritize our concerns and problems we can then look at the fear or other underlying feelings and determine how much power and energy we want […]

The Importance of Self-Worth

Why does Self-Worth Matter? Self-worth is all about the opinion you have about yourself and the value that you place upon yourself. Self-worth is self-love. When we value ourselves we experience self-respect. The words we hear from our parents, teachers, nannies, and anyone else who may play a major role in our lives are important. […]

Can we change our personality?

Is it Possible to Change Our Personality? Is it possible to change our personality? What exactly is our personality? Our personality is what makes us all unique. Our personalities are what make us interesting. While scholars tend to categorize everything under the sun, personalities are about all our habits and little quirks; it’s about how […]

What is the Law of Attraction?

Working with the Law of Attraction By now, I think most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction”. It’s all over YouTube, social media, talking or advertising about how you can get rich, find the perfect mate, dream job, and on and on. In this article, I will do my best to explain […]

Vulnerability and Courage

Vulnerability in Relationship When we think about the word Vulnerability it opens up very old energies around not feeling safe and being open to potential disaster; basically, we are feeling open and exposed.  Showing vulnerability involves revealing aspects of ourselves that may feel uncomfortable if we have had previous experiences of being betrayed, hurt, or […]

Ripple Kindness Create Change

Ripple Kindness and Create Joy Ripple Kindness. Kindness is something that lives within us and is to be shared with ourselves and others. Many times kindness is only extended out for others as we can end up putting ourselves at the bottom of our lists. When we can practice kindness within and gift that to […]

Eating for Health

Eating for Health and A Change Health is what is on everyone’s mind right now as we are all directed to stay home during the COVID-19 virus as it takes center stage and eating for health may have been bypassed along the way. Eating for health and wellness is something relatively new on our planet. […]