Forgiveness is For Giving
“Do not ask me for forgiveness, be responsible, and forgive.” What does this mean? Every time you ask for forgiveness or say “I’m sorry”, what are you asking for?
We usually say I’m sorry without really knowing why. Perhaps what we are looking for is to stop feeling guilty, so it’s like letting go of the weight of guilt. The Etymology of “To Forgive”, comes from the Latin “per” (to) and “donare” (to give). In English, it has the same etymology and construction: forgive = for (to) and give (to give). When you ask for forgiveness, you are asking the other to let go and give what they are holding in their hands. When we forgive, it is us who lets go of what we hold onto with our own hands.
Holding On
Every emotion that we feel is from our own perception of the facts and lives in us. What we are clinging to is the emotion of pain, weight, anguish, grief, sadness, anger, or helplessness that reflects a situation or attitude.
When we feel hurt by someone, the energy of pain, complaint, frustration, or anger is triggered in us. When we do not let go, we can become attached to this emotion, which will turn into resentment and become part of our cellular information that will eventually damage our body. Forgiveness is the act of releasing that emotion that is stuck in us.
So, when we forgive, we are really letting go of our own energies.
Electrical Conductivity
We are the only origin and end of the energy of our being since all energy is mobilized in us in a toroidal way. What comes out of us comes back to us, and if we don’t let it go and allow the energy to spread, it comes back to us again and again in the same pattern. This does not renew the flow and builds up tension, so it begins to become a negative charge in the sense of electrical conductivity.
When accumulating a sum of negative energies, there is no balance in the circulation, and this “dirties” all the filters of the being by accumulating energy, and so it does not generate. In this way, energy is constantly received and never given.
When we don’t release accumulated energies it can become an energetic tumor, which will end up being expressed in a low emotion, such as anger, rage, or despair, producing a pattern of attachment that clings to those built-up emotions, ideas, or attitudes. In the long term, these lower vibrations can become physical diseases. This is how we can understand that it is ourselves who cyclically feed on the emotions in relation to what has happened. (photo right of blocked energy)
Releasing the Tension and Allow Flow
In order to create circulation again, it is necessary to release the tension so that there is mobility and transformation. Sometimes when we say that the words “I’m sorry” and imply forgiveness, which we think is enough to solve a problem as if saying: “I forgive you, or forgive me”, like magic words that when hearing them from the mouth of the other; as if it solves the conflict. When in reality, what happens is that we do not liberate the other or ourselves by repeating it in a cultural or mental way, and forgiveness does not take effect until one really gives up the energy. It’s important to let it come out, release it, and talk with the person in question. Say what you feel, what happened, and discuss it, and perhaps even release the tension by crying, screaming, or getting angry to release the tension that is held within. Understanding that love and anger, frustration and joy, are nothing more than energies, which need positive or negative polarities to generate conductivity. Without both, the light does not move. Those emotions, whether they seem bad or good, are simply energy, and it is the use that you give that will charge the battery so that you can do your things, or that will destroy your heart. So don’t judge emotion by your inability to use it.
Consciously Forgiving
A spiritual being has the same energy as a being that is not considered spiritual, and therefore both have rage, anger, resentment, love, happiness, fulfillment, and all kinds of emotions. What really differentiates a being, whether or not it is spiritual, is consciousness or unconsciousness in the use of emotional tools. There are many considered spiritual who do not know how to manage their emotions, and they control their life because they interpret that to be spiritual in the sense that you have to reject hatred or any type of low vibration.
And this makes it bigger and more powerful since they accumulate and are never expressed, increasing the reserve of this specific emotion. And there will come a day that it will explode. Thus, in order not to explode, the best remedy is the word: say what you don’t like, what you do like, what bothers you, what you feel, your points of view, and communicate them.

Letting go of the fruit or waiting for it, freeing oneself from the roots that oppress. Have you forgiven those who offended you? The only one whose burden is heavy is yours.
Resentment and Forgiveness
The resentment is the memory that clings to the emotion of what happened, the

The first lives in constant emotionality, the second in the idea and mentality that seeks reasons and logic. When we think about a fact from a situation, the emotion is reborn, and you will know it as resentment.
By viewing a past circumstance and analyzing it, and understanding the points of view, then it is memory. And the latter helps you evolve by transcending conflicts, while the former only makes you live the same conflict over and over again in a cyclic cycle.
This is why in order not to repeat the same experience over and over it is necessary to forgive, and by doing this we free ourselves from the cycle. This is called Transcendence. By asking for forgiveness, you are not asking for it for yourself, but by asking for it, you seek to free the other from their sorrow, caused by your attitudes.
When asking for forgiveness, it is not you who frees yourself, but it is you who recognize that you must help the other to free themselves from their emotion.
Energy Anchors Experiences in Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is the Key to Sowing conscious and free beings…When we take away the cultural and religious weight that has been placed on this word we can remember that forgiving and receiving is nothing more than the alternating currents of wiring in the world’s network.” We learn to use them correctly and the World will Light Up.
When we are ready to forgive others we can now understand that in this act we also forgive ourselves. This is how one surrenders to eternal freedom.
This is how the sowing of light begins. Practice Forgiveness.
I am flexible and can bend with the wind. I find my Strength in Forgiveness.