Become Curious about Belief Systems
We have all heard of the term “Belief Systems”. What exactly are belief systems, and more importantly, what are your belief systems? Each of us holds personal beliefs and values that we use to evaluate our choices. Many times we may not be aware of what those are, or perhaps where they originated from, as they become embedded in our unconscious and subconscious, and our daily decisions become routine. Our beliefs determine everything we think and act upon. From these beliefs, we also have sub-goals of belief systems. The sub-goals exist to make certain you meet your needs, such as feeling secure, loved, satisfied, or developing different areas of your life.
Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic. Our beliefs are our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and emotions (beliefs) become actions. These actions create results. Results are your experiential reality.
Where do our Belief Systems come from?
Our beliefs first come from our family environment. Up to the age of 6, our minds are like an open computer without any filters. We believe what our parents tell us. As we age, we continue to let in information and other’s perspectives from society, school teachers, clergy, media, movies and books, and also our friends which all accumulate through our experiences. Basically, our brains are human computers that are programmed from day one. These programs are called Neural Pathways.
Neurons and Belief Systems
Every single thought we have is due to a network of billions of brain cells called Neurons. These nerve cells are specialized, transmitting nerve impulses. Each one of us has a unique pattern of neurons connecting in an incredible network in our brains. Neurons do not touch each other and are separated by microscopic spaces called Synapses, which is a junction between two nerve cells that have a gap in which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter, which is a chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve via impulse. It moves across the synapse causing impulse to another nerve fiber and this is how neural loops are created, and why we continue to think and feel the same thing over and over. We have about 100 Billion Neurons times 50,000 connections in each of our brains! The more we use these patterns, (thinking, feeling, and doing the same thing over and over) the more embedded our belief systems become. Our brains use a lot of energy and will always look for the most energy-efficient path. If there are gaps, we will simply fill in what we may think to be true. Our minds only know what we have told it or let in. This is why it can be challenging to change our embedded belief systems. These patterns tell us who and how we are going to act and react in the world.
Changing Belief Systems
No matter what your age is, it is still possible to change the wiring in your brain; hence, change your belief systems. While it may be more challenging with age, it can still be done with effort and persistence. The patterns will “fight” you at first because they hold a certain belief that was either let in or that YOU programmed. This includes beliefs about yourself. What are the words (that create emotions) you tell yourself? Repetition is very important when changing a belief system.
Here are some ideas that you can try for yourself.
1. Use your brain. Try anything that requires conscious effort such as exercising self-control and willpower, more complex problem solving, memorizing things, playing challenging games or word puzzles, or becoming conscious in making decisions. Challenge your brain by doing things you do not normally do, as this will create new neural pathways, such as learning a new language, skill, or musical instrument.
2. Live a lower stress lifestyle. One of the best ways to assist the development of new neural pathways is to take care of your health. When we continue the same neural pathway patterns with old habits such as alcohol or tobacco use, not eating healthy, overworking or stressing out, or not getting enough sleep it will be much more challenging on our path of creating new pathways.
3. Repeat, Repeat, and Repeat Our neural programs were not created overnight, and while new pathways are formed in seconds, these newly formed neural pathways take more than one thought or action to create the strength they require to remain connected. Think of a new pathway like a thin string. It will break easily without any energy support sent its way. So, new thoughts and feelings must be thought and felt over and over, creating the strength that is required to become a lasting belief or it will simply not hold. Depending on the complexity of the brain map you are changing, this can take from 6 weeks to 3 months (or a bit longer) to be created in the motor cortex. Where your focus goes, your blood and energy flows. And when you connect your thoughts with your heart, this is where the magic really happens. It’s called Mind Heart Coherence.
4. Hypnotherapy and The Access Consciousness Bars Treatments
It can be challenging at times to change the belief systems that no longer serve us. Or, perhaps, we have realized that they were never our own beliefs, to begin with, and would like to shift what has been handed down to us, or that we unconsciously let in. Sometimes we need professional guidance and treatments to allow the flow of change to be less stressful. A professional therapist can assist you with clarity and a plan of action. The Access Consciousness Bars and Online Hypnotherapy are both excellent choices.
Why is becoming conscious of our belief systems important? Because thought and feeling create our reality through experience. Our mind alone can not decipher what is “real” and what is not real. This is why it is important to become conscious and curious of thoughts and feelings as they will eventually manifest from a wave into particle; in the matter where it transforms into our experiential reality.
A Special Message from Christa Wagner

“I’ve been recognizing some of the ideas that our society has on work ethics You are praised if you work 60 70 80 hours a week – this is somehow looked at as successful. Even though you may be sick, tired, not enjoy your family or things you are working so hard to provide with and for.
What else is possible? I can have a tendency to put my worth from my career. I’m so grateful to love what I do and be successful though I am more than the sum of just that!
What if we just took a minute to evaluate why we do what we do, and believe what we believe in any area of our life and be curious about it. I’m finding that not all beliefs I’ve been holding are true for me and experiencing more ease as I start to unpack and shift those beliefs is interesting for sure. To shift thinking, perspective, changing assuming mentality to curiosity has been a trip 🙂
At the moment I am stepping into trust, curiosity, and asking myself a lot of questions on what it would take to feel peace freedom, and joy. And what may need to change to create that?
I trust this holiday season finds you all blessed and filled with love.
Thanks for being on this journey with me ”
Returning Balance Therapies Holiday Gift Special
Over the holidays Returning Balance Therapies located in Glenwood Springs Colorado is offering $10 off gift certificates for any service. We offer Therapeutic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Massage, Colon Hydrotherapy, Access Consciousness Bars work, Placenta Encapsulation, and online Hypnotherapy sessions. Our therapists are heart-centered, certified, and professional in their scope of practice who can assist you with your healing path and plan of action. Please call for your appointment: 970-618-2492. Thank you!