Root Causes of Chronic Inflammation
If you have chronic inflammation or pain in your body read on! For a disclaimer, I am not legally able to diagnose or prescribe, however, what I can say is that I have studied nutrition and more importantly, I have experienced suffering from chronic inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, Diver Ticulosis, and most likely fatty liver and a clogged gallbladder. I have worked with and followed guidance from Christa Wagner with Returning Balance Therapies as well as Dr. Eric Berg’s nutritional suggestions, which have worked well for me. In fact, it has been nothing short of miraculous!
The first big step was figuring out why I had chronic inflammation. I also suggest always contacting your local certified therapists and specialists for your guidance and health protocols.
Chronic Inflammation is a huge problem for so many people, and chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases, including cancer. Unfortunately, most people end up disguising the symptoms with medications and so the underlying conditions do not heal and only continue to worsen. What are some of the underlying root causes of inflammation?
Assessing the Underlying Cause of Your Chronic Inflammation
Sometimes people are given the wrong diagnosis, and in these cases, people continue to get worse. It is very important to discover why you have chronic inflammation by isolating the real underlying reason for the problem.
As you read this article see if one of these causes resonates with you and what makes sense to you. Then you can drill down for more information on the specific cause as well as what to do to heal yourself. Discovering solutions by locating what is underneath the inflammation is what will lead you to your ultimate health and well-being.
Chronic inflammation can come from many different sources. There is a huge link between Cancer, heart disease, mental health and brain fog, insulin resistance, chronic pain as well as many other different physical conditions, and chronic inflammation is huge a marker for us that we do have a deeper underlying health issue.
The top-selling big pharma drug for inflammation is Humira. It works to lower inflammation. It does not address the underlying condition. There are also natural options such as Tumeric. However, if Tumeric does not work for you it simply means that it is not the right solution for your underlying problem. Contacting your specialist is important as although we can become very informed, we never have all of the information or the experience and knowledge accumulated due to the 1,000’s of hours of working with others under our belts.
Causes of Chronic Inflammation
Some of the causes of inflammation are 1) High Iron, especially for men. It is not a common issue but can cause cirrhosis in the liver. One way to know about high iron is to give blood and you feel better, or menstruate, and you feel better. There are effective treatments for high iron such as Phytic Acid. 2) Autoimmune Disorder, which is why so many people are on the drug Humira. According to Dr. Eric Berg, if you have an autoimmune disorder he suggests a high vitamin D3 of 40,000 IU, which can also be combined with Tudca, which is a type of bile salt that can activate the Vitamin D in the receptor of the cell. 3) Fiber The carnivore diet is becoming very popular due to the fact that people are becoming sensitive to fiber as well as grains, which can tear up your gut and cause inflammation. However, going completely carnivore will affect your microbiome. This can get complex and would be good to drill down on this with your therapist. There are other options if you are a vegetarian. 4) Bile Duct (sludge) The bile ducts in your gallbladder (which stores your bile) can get jammed up with bile sludge, which causes backup
pressure causing pain referral to your right shoulder clavicle area and neck giving signs of fibromyalgia and serious bloating. Again, bile salts can assist here. 5) Gut Bloat, a general issue that can be very common from eating out a lot, in which large portions of the foods eaten are loaded with omega 6 fatty acids. Many people end up having too much omega 6 in their diets and not enough omega 3. This type of ratio can cause problems, leading to effects like increased inflammation and high blood pressure. Some omega-6 foods are good for our systems and some are not so good. Such as an abundance of chicken, or perhaps other regular foods that contain a lot of soy or corn oil, fried foods, processed foods, and unsaturated fatty acids that really tear up the gut. 6) Microbiome If you have recently had antibiotics or have a history with antibiotics it creates an imbalance in your gut and even can lead to scarring in your gut, which, can lead to malabsorption.
When you take nutritional vitamins and healthy foods and find that nothing works, it’s because the lining in the colon may be scarred. This can also happen from eating too many grains which can tear up the colon. This alters the microbiome. Fermented foods or probiotics may help, however, if you feel worse, then you know you will need to go to a more grass-fed carnivore diet or low-fiber vegetarian diet. 7) Low back pain. This is where you know you may be low on Vitamin D3 and may need to get more sun. 8) Food Allergies The most common ones are gluten, dairy, and nuts. Try rotating your eating. Intermittent Fasting will be helpful as also observing what happens and how you feel.
Seeing your therapist for a colon hydrotherapy treatment can also assist with this cleansing process. Then, you may want to get tested for food allergies. Intermittent Fasting will also help your immune system. 9) Infection This could be if you have had a lot of dental work or root canals, where you can get a systemic infection that affects joints, or a latent infection like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which can be triggered in stressful situations. The key thing with this is the stress events, which need to be addressed due to the amount of cortisol that is released. Constant Cortisol puts the immune system in a state of paralysis. There are also many antiviral herbs like oregano oil and other herbs that can help. Diverticulosis can lead to an infection called Diverticulitis. Lethargy, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and skin issues are some of the symptoms.10) Adrenal Fatigue creates cortisol resistance. If you have had a lot of stress in your life. Cortisol reacts to stress and adapts the body to stress, but too much over time it becomes inactivated. You may show low cortisol, yet have all of the symptoms of inflammation,
allergies, and skin problems and discover you actually may have high cortisol. If you have a history of adrenal problems with inflammation adaptogens are really good, ashwagandha and vitamin D3 can be important helpers. Again, contact your specialist!
Gout can also be another chronic inflammatory condition which is a high level of uric acid that your body makes and your kidneys not properly clearing it. Raising your ph level to more alkaline levels will aid in fewer attacks. One way is to drink lemon water first thing every morning. 1/4 of a lemon in a good blender, with rind and seeds; just pop in the whole lemon and add clean water! This will be a great start in alkalizing your system. Wait at least 20 to 30 minutes before your coffee or other drinks and food. Check with your specialist as this also will depend on any other issues you may have going on right now such as esophagus issues etc.
Insulin Resistance is a big issue for many people and really needs an article of its own. This causes inflammation which leads to belly fat, which causes more inflammation, and a fatty liver, which leads to even more inflammation, and so on. While important, it’s not always about your blood sugar count.
As mentioned above many times, this article is not to diagnose or prescribe, yet are only suggestions that enable you to take a look at some of your chronic inflammation symptoms and possible solutions. Always consult a professional therapist that is specialized in chronic inflammation and the causes behind it as we are all unique.
Returning Balancing Therapies Staff

Certified Colon Hydro-therapist
Certified Massage Therapist
The staff at Returning Balance Therapies are specialized in chronic inflammation and other root causes of disease and illness. These qualified therapists can assist you using many different holistic approaches where intentions will be held for the best path in your wholeness and well-being. The Returning Balance Therapies staff are certified practitioners and hold the highest integrity and heart-centered mindfulness in caring for all of their patients. Click on the link below to find out more about the staff’s qualifications and contact information.