Cleanse and Detoxing for 2020
Planning a cleanse and detox for the new year 2020 may be something your considering. If you’re not, perhaps you should. Our bodies naturally detoxify on its own, and our systems are on autopilot to keep our body clean every day. However, aside from the holidays, our bodies get assaulted every day with extra toxins;
car exhaust and cleaning products that build up in our bodies systems. Adding into the mix all the holiday bingeing, parties and more sugar than your body knows what to do with can become toxic for our bodies. Riding high on the caffiene and sugar, and the sugar crash roller coaster of addiction leaves us feeling a bit sluggish, and not only physically, but mentally and emotionally unbalanced as well. It’s easy to get caught in that groove! After all, who doesn’t love the coffee’s with baileys, cookies, brownies, wine and all the rich holiday foods?
Getting Back on Track with a Cleanse
Getting back on track as soon as possible will make it easier in the long run, and easier for our bodies to recover and come back into homeostasis. Planning a cleanse with Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage Therapy while kicking the caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, sugars, dairy and gluten to the curb may be what our liver and other body functions are needing to come back into a healthy state. A cleanse will also assist in regaining mental clarity and emotional stability.
Glenwood Springs certified Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage Therapist Christa Wagner from “Returning Balance Therapies” states, “The power of self-care is incredible; it can lead you to places within yourself you didn’t even know existed. Self-Love, releasing judgement of self, which in turn opens your heart to others with compassion, kindness and understanding.”
Eliminating Toxins with a Cleanse
When we talk about detoxing and cleansing, many may think this has to do with starving yourself. Cleansing is not about starving your body of nutrients. Its about eliminating the toxic foods and drinks so our bodies can come back into alignment. Assisting your lymphatic system in moving out the toxins with massage therapy and diet is also a good idea. Colon Hydrotherapy also assists in elimating clogged toxic waste from your intestional system. If you are planning to do a 10-day fast and have never done one before, it’s very important to understand you will need to prepare your body and organs for this type of elimination. Otherwise, you will be dumping so many toxins into your body at once which can overtax your heart. Receiving advice from a professional is the best advice.
Begin Your Cleanse Now
Returning Balance Therapies is now offering a Detox and Cleanse 2020 Special Package for new clients which include a consultation, and 3 colonics for $350.00, and for returning clients $315.00. This offer is good until the end of January 2020.
Consultations are an important step to create an individual plan for your cleanse. This may include colonics and massage combinations and other healing modalities. Working with a professional will provide accountability and encouragement during your cleanse, as well as creating a good plan to serve as a map and provide structure for your detox regime. This will give you the guidance, support and the confidence you need to see your detox cleanse through to the end. While it may be challenging in the beginnng, and a bit messy in the middle, the end results are glorious!
Benefits of a Cleanse
The benefits of detoxing and a completing a cleanse are improved energy and digestion, balanced emotions and mood, mental clarity and weight loss. All of this equals a lot more happiness! Getting started now will bring you back on track with your long-term dietary health plan and create balanced and healthy new patterns for the 2020 new year.
Find the professional and heart balanced support you deserve during your detox and cleanse program with Christa Wagner at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.