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Feeling into Wisdom

Feeling into wisdom is about looking deeper at what triggers us and focusing inside ourselves to discover how the current belief system serves us. By changing our perspectives we can move our issues into wisdom by focusing inside and allowing the feeling into wisdom.
Sitting with our feelings can take great courage, as we deep dive into the world of surrender and vulnerability. More often than not, we stuff our feelings down, actually storing them in our bodies thinking we will deal with them later. This is the mind-body connection. When our feelings are not addressed, they will surface and force us to pay attention due to our mind-body connection and can express an illness or play out the continuing pattern of the same thinking and ways of being, which will create the same experience. Over and over.
When we are in the deepest part of the mud, action is the key. Focusing on our emotions and really being honest with ourselves, a therapist; whether it’s your massage therapist or energy healing therapist assisting you to focus inside on where you are holding your issue physically, or talking with our best friend can feel extremely vulnerable. We tend not to feel safe or supported when we feel vulnerable. However, this could not be further from the actual truth. When we feel vulnerable we are open. Open to change. We can be open to being our authentic selves.

Dr. Joe Dispensa explains our patterns in this way: What’s Wired Together Fires Together! The stronger emotion we have in our lives the more altered we are inside us. The more the brain freezes a frame and takes a snapshot (that’s called a long-term memory) that image is being embossed neurologically in the brain. Every time we remember the Event, whether it’s trauma from loss, betrayal, or whatever it may be, we produce the same chemistry in our brains and body as if it’s currently happening in the present moment. What is happening is that over time that conditioned process conditions our brains and bodies to literally live in the past. When we live by the same familiar feeling every day, whether it’s guilt, unworthiness, suffering, or pain, it is important to come right up against that emotional state. Because we are coming up against the known. If we cannot feel a different feeling other than the feeling that we are used to feeling it should tell us volumes about that very feeling because it’s going to influence those very same thoughts.

Emotional intelligence is on the rise which can teach us to trust in ourselves and embrace how we feel which allows the issue to move freely. When we allow ourselves to process our triggers as they arise by simply focusing inside. Issues can become clearer, and in that moment we evolve as we expand our consciousness and move the issue into Wisdom.
All we need to do is relax and know there is nothing to DO, nothing to Figure Out mentally. Keep it simple. Let go of the blame, let go of any judgment, and allow yourself to Feel into Wisdom. Everything will unfold naturally by Allowing.
Then the deep transformation takes place within and then reflects out in our environment. This is what is meant by,” as within so without”. By creating a new perspective our world and our experiences change. Where we focus is where our energy goes. Focus on Love instead of Loss. Amazing life changes happen when we are feeling into wisdom.