Healthy Living does not take time
It Gives Time
Healthy Living and our health concerns are a priority right now like never before. People have been forced by the onset of the COVID-19 virus to really take a deeper look at their body’s health and medical conditions. In times like these, chronic comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and auto-immune disorders are rampant and leave us vulnerable to flu, viruses, and other diseases. In fact, peoples health has become so bad that the next generation is expected to live shorter lives than their parents.
When we can begin to take preventative measures for our health and wellness with a focus on how to reclaim our healthy living patterns and vitality, and create a strong immune system (healthy cells and DNA/RNA repair) through a health-focused whole food balanced diet, balanced thoughts (perspective), and emotions, energy (prana) and add body movement; only then will we easily establish healthy living patterns for ourselves as well as pass down to our children.
What’s On Your Plate?
This certainly does not mean you need to become vegan or vegetarian but simply discover better balance. It is important to understand why some things may not be so great for our gut health and well being. Changing our food consumption can be challenging at times because we are used to eating what we have grown to enjoy and the patterns of what has been passed down from our families and culture. However, these programmed and habitual food items are not always healthy for our brain health, emotions, and physical aspect.
With planning, focus, and our using our WILL, we can change our perspectives and actions BEFORE we are forced to, and, with a little time, the old programming is reprogrammed and healthy living becomes the norm.
When you eat a clean whole food diet, not only do you feel and look better physically, but also experience more physical endurance, a boosted immune system that allows your own body to fight off viruses and infection, and feel balanced mentally and emotionally. Mental illness and lack of nutrition are deeply linked.
What we eat has become the #1 killer in the western world. From Diabetes, heart disease, cancer to depression, lack of energy, and brain fog to the onset of Alzheimer’s, unhealthy food contributes to nearly all chronic diseases. In addition to this, our world has also become so complex and fast-paced that (in the United States alone) 70% to 80% report feeling overwhelmed. We do not need to read a report to see this in our friends, families, social media, and throughout our society. It is certainly not new information that Chronic Stress has been proven to be a precursor to illness and disease. Stress can also lead to symptomatic inflammation which is also one of the underlying drivers linked with food. Over 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year leaving the body’s own immune system to fend for itself. With the current COVID-19 situation at hand, stress and fear have intensified our “usual” survival stress levels. Many studies have shown that fear-based stress lowers our immune defense systems, and also ends up leaving many folks feeling extremely overwhelmed and isolated.
Disease, Diet, and our Gut
40% of all cancer cases are linked to obesity, and with obesity on the rise so is cancer. (In Comparison to 2010, the CDC expects 24% more cancer cases in men, and 21% more in women.) 70% of our immune system lives in our gut, yet most people eat a diet that destroys their health.
From inflammation, weight loss, diabetes, immunity, Vitamin D, Omega-3s, to whole food and performance, one can discover ways to promote cellular regeneration and DNA repair, promote brain health and create strong immune systems for happy and healthy living. It has been proven that we can lengthen our telomeres to fight off disease at any age. (Telomeres look like the plastic at the end of a shoestring, and are located on the ends of our chromosomes. Once they are worn down and depleted, our bodies can no longer fight against diseases.)
Taking Responsibility for Healthy Living
It is unfortunate that mainstream media, the WHO, and the CDC focus has not been on preventative medicine, boosting our immune systems, and how to take better care of ourselves. Discovering knowledge and acting on that knowledge on how to protect oneself against toxins that are all around us is called wisdom. The time has come to take responsibility for our own health and wellness to the best of our abilities for healthy living. You can’t do anything in life if you don’t have the energy to do it!
Take a moment to notice what your diet consists of. Write down what you eat and drink on a daily basis for at least one week, including all those snacks! How much water are you drinking each day? While medical issues such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions did not happen overnight, you may just be surprised once the body detoxes how quickly you can heal and regain health and vitality.
Learn how to overcome fear and discover strategies that work for you to create healthy living and perform at your optimum health levels.
We can all learn how our bodies can absorb more nutrients, sleep better, destress in minutes, and use breathing and other simple strategies, therapies, eating whole foods, and techniques for coping emotionally to our advantage and go from tired and burned out to charged up. One day at a time; one choice in each moment.
With more health-based daily choices we can reclaim our health, be strong and vibrant, and face the world with a calm confident mind-set.
Check-in with Christa Wagner at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado to

determine your Gut Health, Cleansing, and Detoxing with Colon Hydrotherapy, neural pattern shifting along with suggestions on food changes to receive guidance on how to create healthy living patterns.
The Returning Balance Staff in Glenwood Springs is here to assist in creating healthy living on all levels!