Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Enjoy Gut-Friendly Food

Gut-Friendly Food for the Holidays During the holidays’ gut-friendly food is so important! What use to be one of the most relaxing times out of the year, holidays have now become filled with extra commitments and stress creating anxiety and feelings of self-medicating or overindulging; whether it be alcohol,  food, or other prescribed medications. Extra […]

Healthy Living Gives More Time

Healthy Living does not take time It Gives Time Healthy Living and our health concerns are a priority right now like never before. People have been forced by the onset of the COVID-19 virus to really take a deeper look at their body’s health and medical conditions. In times like these, chronic comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, […]

Probiotics for Health

Probiotics for a Healthy Gut What exactly are Probiotics and how do they work? Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria) that are intended to have health benefits when ingested or applied to the body. Many people may think that bacteria and other microorganisms are ‘harmful germs’, however, many are actually helpful to our health and wellbeing. Naturally, […]

Eating for Health

Eating for Health and A Change Health is what is on everyone’s mind right now as we are all directed to stay home during the COVID-19 virus as it takes center stage and eating for health may have been bypassed along the way. Eating for health and wellness is something relatively new on our planet. […]

Cleanse and Detox 2020

Cleanse and Detoxing for 2020 Planning a cleanse and detox for the new year 2020 may be something your considering. If you’re not, perhaps you should. Our bodies naturally detoxify on its own, and our systems are on autopilot to keep our body clean every day. However, aside from the holidays, our bodies get assaulted […]

Leaky Gut Syndrome

What is a Leaky Gut? “Leaky Gut” has been gaining more attention with natural health practitioners, although with quite a bit of scientific evidence many mainstream medical professionals do not consider leaky gut as a real condition. Leaky gut is a digestive condition where bacteria and toxins leak through the intestinal wall and are associated […]

Appendix Health-Healthy Gut

Healthy Gut and our Appendix Appendix truth finally emerges! It feels commonplace to us when we hear about someone having their appendix removed, and we never associated it with having a healthy gut. While Appendicitis is not uncommon, it is true that most of us can live healthy and happy lives without our appendix. The […]

Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleanse Glenwood Springs

  Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleanse Many clients come in for a colon hydrotherapy detox cleanse while doing some sort of cleanse or detox. During any cleanse, it is important to support all the systems the body has to release harmful toxins. By doing so, our waste is released rather than being recirculated back into the […]