We Can Regenerate Our Bodies
Through the amazing advances of science, we now know that we can regenerate our bodies via stem cells, epigenetics, and great nutrition. Healing happens on all levels, not only in our biology but our mental and emotional, and also energetical states of being.
There is a memory within us recalling that we all will become old, sick, and die, and that is our path. This has been a massive belief system. How does death still occur when a person of any age has created a body filled with healthy stem cells? How do we remember a dysfunctional state of being? How can we regenerate our bodies?
Biology to Physics
Quantum physics has truly changed everything!
When we look at the entire universe everything has huge physical energy.
We are biological regenerative machines. We now know and understand that we can change the aging process we know today and regenerate our bodies.
“If we consider the universe as a whole, Quantum Physics, as it has become known, began with Einstein and his breakthroughs of relativity with E=MC2 which,h defines the equation of Energy Equals Mass times the Light Speed squared. Light Speed is fixed at 180,000 meters per second, and that number is squared times the mass of an object which describes the energy within it.
All things have an enormous amount of energy within them. If we added up all of the physical matter; all of the solid materials of the Entire Universe including planets, stars, and galaxies, and then imagine pushing all of that physical matter into a cubic centimeter; in all of that mass of the potential energy in it equals a number that is around 10 to the 53rd. That’s 53 zeros after the 1 of density, of AMS per cubic centimeter. That is a massive amount pressed into one cubic centimeter.” Dr. Zach Bush
The rest is wave, where there is no physical matter.
“The work of recent physicists shows that the potential energy in a cubic space of that where there is no physical matter, where there is nothing solid; the amount of energy in that cubic centimeter of vacuum space is anywhere from 13 to 35 zeros in addition to all of the physical matter in the universe.” Dr. Zach Bush
This can be challenging to wrap our minds around! But the point to be taken here is that the amount of the energy potential between the space in between the solid stuff is exponentially larger than the energy within the solid matter. This means that there is more wave than matter. Space between our words, our cells, and our Adams that make the Molecules that build the Cells is the source of the most extreme energy on the planet. We also know we can fill in the space with light. Light equals Energy.
When we live in this 3D physical plane where what we believe defines our realities and biology, and affirming this with all the solid stuff around us, we are really short in our conscious awareness of how we identify with ourselves.
We are so much bigger than we have known before as w,e is far greater in that vacuum space between the sum of our parts than we can possess.
When we can tap into that huge source of energy within us we can discover a new awareness of that consciousness of self by en-lighting up the possibility that we are bigger than we thought we were. When we tap into that awareness of the self we then begin a momentum at that moment, and a different process begins at the cellular level that can regenerate our bodies.
Beliefs Held Energetically
There is also a very grand and fixed historic ancestral memory within us that recalls that we have all died; we have all carried disease and the aging process

and hold the belief that it’s inevitable. So we define this life as a constant decay. From age 2 we know that we start to diminish the amount of life energy we produce in our bodies through the microconidia, metabolism, carbohydrates, and fats and that release of that energy within us. So how is it that we can come to an understanding of this modern science of regenerating our bodies, and how do we continue to manage these regenerative bodies to produce the same level of decay and disease today that we did yesterday?
Trauma was always energetic before it was a physical matter. This is because in the electromagnetic field, an all of the vacuum in the spaces that we hold in and outside our bodies, we have printed memory of trauma whether it be emotional or

physical or a combination of the two. The more focus and attention we put into the experience, those will be the programs that will be set up and first manifested in the Energy Field, and then remembered biologically. What is wired continues to fire.
We are responding every day, whether we are aware of it or not, not only to our environment but also to an entrenched belief of emotional fear of death. When we contract and are diagnosed with some type of life-threatening disease, or “something that can’t be cured” the immediate emotions that confr0nt us are guilt and fear, and, all of the many ways we diminish ourselves are symptoms of this death paradigm that has come dominant in our society. Addictive behaviors and beliefs set in like a record album skipping over and over.
When we define ourselves through external inputs in life, such as taking care of everyone else and not yourself, for example, there is a loss of self-identity and self-purpose. We will need to refine our definition and our life purpose of ourselves to be able to regenerate our bodies completely.
When we hold on to those beliefs that are saturated with hopelessness and fear of the unknown, grief and shame, along with the lack of control, and the guilt that knowing that we could do it differently, but we don’t, and it is the perfect storm that keeps us physically sick.
It’s the story we tell and, the words we speak that will either hold us to old beliefs or the new ones that will change our lives.
How to Release Our Emotional Trauma Memory Field
There are many ways to release trauma by applying this new era of science and the ancient wisdom of past masters.
Myofascial Release Therapy and Trigger Poing Massage with the Psoas Muscle, and all other styles of Massage Therapy are , excellent ways to release trauma held in the tissues.

Listening to your body and moving where you need to during the therapy releases the emotion held in the body. Energy Medicine therapies such as Healing Touch, Reiki, and other modalities are also other excellent options. Thai Chi shaking and tapping is also an excellent release working with the meridians that we can learn to do for ourselves to release and regenerate our bodies.
How will you CHOOSE?
We do have the control to decide what our thoughts are, and the feelings that are associated with those thoughts. When we take a present moment to stop and be still, we can then really witness what feels good and resonates for our highest well-being and what does not. Not only for ourselves but also for the food we grow, the soil we grow it in, the water we drink, and all animals and life on this planet.
All of us have can a look at what is or isn’t working in our lives. The first step is to acknowledge that we have been programmed and secondly, that each every one of us is responsible for all of our own experiences that we have created. (Remember, it’s important to have compassion for one’s self and others as we are all evolving at our own pace).
We CAN Regenerate Our Bodies
We can tap into this complete healing potential with the loss of memory, forgetting the trauma, stopping defining ourselves as victims, and stopping defining who we are by our trauma and diseases. All of us can transform ourselves from chronic disease. Just about all of us have known someone that heals from cancer or other life-threatening diseases. They had to change their diets, and their lives, and let go of the memory of trauma in the energy field and biology.
This is easy work and also not easy work per se, how; however, we ask and allow these memories to come up the energy shifts very quickly.

When we can Let Go and release the people and situations in our life that are not serving our highest good., and let go of the activities that create stress in our lives this process then allows us the ability to create new stories and beliefs that we would like to experience with healthy relationships and new adventures that are no longer tainted by the past.
I would like to thank with grand gratefulness the folks I have learned so much from on my own conscious healing path as well as working with my clients. These incredible teachers hold large platforms sharing and teaching this knowledge to the entire world all the science and wisdom they embody. (without the dogma).
Dr. Zac Bush, Greg Braden, Dr, Brue Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Heart Math and Quantum Physicist Nassim Haramein to n, name a few. You can easily locate them on YouTube, Instagram, Fbook, or their own web platforms. Thank you so much for all you do to assist humanity in understanding how energy and consciousness come together in this shift of consciousness!
Knowing how to Regenerate our Bodies has never been more scientifically clear than it is now. We cannot be Victims and Masters at the same time.