Holiday Self-Care
Self-care should always be at the top of our lists. Many times, our attention is spread out over so many things we feel like we are on overload and often put off taking care of ourselves. The holidays can take up much of our attention and time.
As we approach the New Year and spend more time with our friends and family, we are most likely in a great mood and enjoy festivities together. Most people during this time of the year seem to be a bit kinder, take things in stride and in smile more. Many have more time off during this time of the year. Love and gratitude abound.
However, statistics show that in December 53% have holiday blues; feel depressed or lonely. So, if you are that someone who is feeling this way, know you are not alone! Try to do something kind for yourself. If you know someone that is feeling down, take some time to invite them out or to spend time with them. Show them you care. Sometimes, it’s the folks that seem the strongest and those who are always caring for others who need to feel our support. It’s important to remember that we never have all of the information about the way others are feeling, or the things they have endured. Let your kindness Ripple Out!
Often during the holidays, we overindulge in the meat and potato department, high sugar desserts and consume copious amounts of alcohol and other party favorites. It is what we have been programmed to do. Self-care is not always a priority as we can tend to tell ourselves reasons why we can indulge and will be back on track after the holidays.
When a person is also feeling depressed, this can also increase the over-eating situation. Overindulging is easy to do, and this can be harmful to our bodies. When we allow the holidays to turn into a month or longer, we are undoing any progress and changes we may have made towards health and wellness.
Becoming mindful and conscious of your self-care decisions instead of unconsciously going out on the edge crazy will help in your health and well-being department. Self-care is not being selfish!
Here are a few ways we can pay attention to our Self-Care routine and protect ourselves from too much damage to our gut and mental health with so many tempting foods available.
Self-Care Suggestions
1. Do Your Best to keep on your superfood intake and daily supplements.
While your rational mind may tell you it’s just fine to take a few weeks off, we all know that is a huge trap! Antioxidants are important, especially when you are partying!
2. Continue to Meditate Every Day.
Meditation is one of the best things you can do for yourself every day. It has been proven to relieve stress and bring peace of mind. While the holidays are fun, they can also be stressful at times. Even a 15-minute meditation works wonders!
3.Weekly Bodywork / Massage Therapy
Remain on your weekly or bi-weekly program of receiving massage therapy. Massage therapy feels great, releases stress and will also help your body to release toxins from all the festive foods and beverages.
4. Drink Plenty of Water!
Flushing out your digestive tract, hydrating your brain, lungs, and muscles is so important! Drinking plenty of water will help metabolize alcohol and flush out toxins. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your massage therapy treatment. The combination of an abundance of water and Massage Therapy will greatly assist in your detox and assist in flushing those toxins out of your body.
5. Move Your Body
While you may not feel like a complete workout at the gym, be sure to go for walks, stretch, or a bit of yoga. There is plenty of ways to move your body right in your own home.
6. Take Time to Relax
Make the time to really relax. Take naps. Lounge while reading a book you have been wanted to read. Allow your self to rest and recuperate your mind, body, and spirit. Love yourself.
Make the time for YOU.
There will be huge changes coming our way in 2020. Prepare your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the self by letting go of what no longer serves you. Self-care can also mean forgiving yourself, having healthy boundaries and saying no, and asking for help when you need it. By taking better care of yourself, you will be able to care for others.
Drink lots of water, receive your weekly massage therapy, move your body and continue your regime of superfoods. Rest and relax so your mind body and spirit can remain in balance. You must nourish to flourish!
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment for Massage Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy or cleansing your body, please contact Christa Wager at Returning Balance Therapies. Thank you and create a fabulous New Year!
Many Blessings of Love and Happy New Year from everyone at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado!