Allowing the Amazing Gifts of Receiving
We have a wonderful opportunity to expand our consciousness when we allow ourselves to receive the gift of receiving anything from another person. This is a continuous flow of giving and receiving as all energies seek balance in life. Of course, we have all been programmed with the saying that “It’s better to give than receive”. Perhaps this could be why it can be so challenging for many of us to receive gifts from another without any expectations in return.
The Gift of Receiving Creates Connection.
The gift of receiving creates more intimacy with that person. Many of us have found it challenging to receive. How do you feel when you receive a gift, whether it be a kind word or something tangible? Do you feel uncomfortable or are you open and present to deeply receive that gift of kindness? When we feel uncomfortable it may be time to take a look inside one’s self to see why.
Why is it so much easier to give than receive?
When we are in the act of giving we are in control. When we are receiving we do not have that control. Are we giving from a generous heart or promoting our self-image to others as a caring person? The gift of receiving beckons us to open up to our vulnerable part of ourselves. When we can do that we can be open to receive even the tiny gifts offered to us every day.
The neural programming in our brains and conditioning we have received could have also taught us that we are selfish to receive. (We have been programmed and “handed down” many things, most unintentionally). Many religions speak that life is about suffering, not happiness, and not to bring too much attention to one’s self. This can cause feelings of shame when we receive gifts.
We can also have fears of “strings being attached”. If we have the feeling we are only being accepted for our accomplishments and not for our authentic selves it can trigger the need to feel that we must perform, which does not feel good.
Along those same lines, we may also have blocks to receiving because we do not want to be indebted to someone and that can leave us feeling as someone is trying to manipulate and control us. Our defenses are automatically raised.
Perhaps it was not delivered in a manner you felt comfortable with when you needed help. It is important to put our pride aside and graciously receive opportunities that are presented to us.
When we can open our hearts and graciously receive from others everyone wins in so many ways.
The Art of the Gift of Receiving is a Gift.
When you can open your heart to receive, you are actually giving the gifter a powerful gift in return. You are giving them your attention. Our attention to another is nourishing and more valuable than you may be aware of. It is an honoring of acknowledging their existence as a being here. You are telling them that they matter. You also acknowledge that You Matter. When you allow yourself to receive energy and love from others it dissolves separation and creates connection.
FEAR or LOVE.. How Will You Choose?
When we Hold On so tight to what we have it blocks the natural energetic flow. When we feel guilty for receiving it also blocks the energy flow and, in both instances, stagnation ensues.
Keep the universal flow moving of gifting and receiving is important for our wellbeing. They are literally two different expressions in the same flow of energy. Are you in the energy of fear or the energy of love? Whether its a gift from your partner, friend, a co-worker, or someone you do not even know, allow yourself to be open to receive.
Being Mindful
The next time someone gives you a gift, perhaps a smile, an authentic compliment, or a present, notice how your body feels. Are you tightening up or feeling relaxed? Can you allow in the connection of caring? Be mindful as you look into their eyes and discover the joy in their giving and in your receiving and connecting in that present moment.
And my friends, be prepared to be completely AMAZED at the opportunities that come to you in the very craziest of ways when you are mindful and present; simply because you are open to receive. It never looks like what you think it is going to look like. That is the wonder and the unknown of creating in the quantum field. Everything comes to you.
Returning Balance Therapies offers gifts of touch with certificates for massage therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy, BARS work, Aromatherapy, and more. Please check our website for more information. Thank you and be OPEN to Receive! You are Worthy!
Allow the gift of receiving touch and care at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado.