When You Trust, Allowing becomes Natural!
When we can’t trust ourselves and move forward making decisions, we are actually holding ourselves back from abundance on all levels; work, relationships, and creating our deepest desires and dreams. What prevents us from moving forward and allowing the ease and flow of life? Where do our doubts and fears come from?
Self Sabotage
All of us have experienced self-sabotage that silences our wisdom and can stop us in our tracks. These are the seemingly endless thoughts that can torment us and prevent us from sleeping! Where does that voice come from that brings in doubt and fear? The “what if this” or “what if that”, or perhaps being worried about what others will think about us. When we doubt ourselves there is usually an underlying experience stored in our unconscious that is generating the feelings that we are not enough on some level; smart enough, strong enough, thin enough, pretty enough, have enough, or I don’t deserve, etc. It can be a very long list of thoughts that generate those feelings that are preventing us from moving forward with our amazing ideas. In today’s turbulent world life can become overwhelming, keeping us in survival mode. There is a lot going on! There is an infinite number of choices that can be made, as well as an amazing amount of information on top of other’s opinions that can create a deep sense of doubt. All of these things can hold us back from being our amazing authentic selves.
Our personal beliefs come from the world around us. Being able to believe in one’s self is extremely valuable and important to move forward in life. When we don’t feel confident we lack trust. And when we lack trust, we do not allow the good things we would like to create to come into our lives.
We each have our own personal blueprint. Our programming is usually environmentally experienced and then emotionally embedded in early childhood.
The Importance of Understanding Our Past
Knowing where we come from is very important. Why? Because, when we know and understand our past, we can begin to make changes in our beliefs. As children up to age 7, we are very open and allow in what others tell us and believe that it is true. We have all experienced this from our parents, teachers, and what surrounded us environmentally. As children, we also create stories around our experiences that may or may not have been what really happened. As children, we do not have the comprehension that we do as an adult. Understanding our ancestral lineage allows us to see a bigger picture of why we think and feel the way we do now.
Let’s be clear this is not about blaming anyone, nor does it mean we will need a psychotherapist for years to come. This is about understanding why we feel and act the way we do, and as adults, taking responsibility by allowing ourselves to observe our past from a different perspective.
We create our beliefs, and then our beliefs create us. As adults, we can make incredible changes when we are able to view and comprehend as an adult what happened in our past, and then know that we can change what we think and feel. When we do this in this present moment, there is no limit to what we can do and achieve!
Feeling Vulnerable is Okay!
Yes, taking a chance or a risk can feel vulnerable, and that’s okay. Most of us are very familiar with feeling the need to protect ourselves, which shuts down our hearts. We are simply not accustomed to allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. It feels like risky business!! However, when we trust and allow our vulnerability, we are clearly being open and allowing our authenticity. Becoming capable of discernment and using our conscious minds to make decisions can propel us forward with our creative ideas without feeling a lack of self-confidence.
Moving Forward in Confidence
Moving forward in life is important. Feeling confident about yourself changes your energy. When you know you’re enough, so does everyone else! Sure, sometimes our brilliant ideas don’t pan out. However, when we look at successful people, we will find that this has happened to all of them at one time or another. They have taken that experience and moved forward with an improved or new idea.
Changing our beliefs can be challenging at times. Here at Returning Balance Therapies, we offer the Access Consciousness treatment of The Bars work. Click HERE on this link to find out more about how we can assist you to easily change your perspectives to ones that will create Trust in yourself, which in turn, will Allow you to move forward in your life with joy and success.