Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Can we change our personality?

Is it Possible to Change Our Personality? Is it possible to change our personality? What exactly is our personality? Our personality is what makes us all unique. Our personalities are what make us interesting. While scholars tend to categorize everything under the sun, personalities are about all our habits and little quirks; it’s about how […]

Finding Peace Within

Peace Within Creates Peace Without What does this mean when we say peace within creates peace without? You may have heard the quote before, “As within, so without”. What this means is that all is created from inside ourselves first, then we can experience peace outside ourselves through acceptance. Most folks would not argue the […]

Release Fear of Failure

Release Fear of Failure to Create The fear of failure can arise when we have new ideas, relationships, or business ventures we would like to create that not only prevent us from potential success, but also from getting started!  We can feel insecure when we think about what others think of us or how we […]

Eating for Health

Eating for Health and A Change Health is what is on everyone’s mind right now as we are all directed to stay home during the COVID-19 virus as it takes center stage and eating for health may have been bypassed along the way. Eating for health and wellness is something relatively new on our planet. […]

Glenwood Springs Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special

Glenwood Springs Therapeutic Special Returning Balance Therapies Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special The Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special is ON! There is no escaping the Glenwood Springs bridge closure. And there is no denying that it has impacted all of us in some way. Yes, traffic is backed up, it takes longer to get from one end of town […]