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What is the Law of Attraction?

Working with the Law of Attraction

By now, I think most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction”. It’s all over YouTube, social media, talking or advertising about how you can get rich, find the perfect mate, dream job, and on and on. In this article, I will do my best to explain what the Law of Attraction is and how it actually works from leadingQuotes-The-Secret-Law-of-Attraction-Plus-01 scientists’ perspectives as well as my own experiences and knowledge base. It’s the contrast of what we view as good that allows us to see what we do not want. There is always the polarity!

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law and is based on perspective.  Our perspective must match the same vibration as what it is that we want to receive. This applies to everyone who is wanting anything not only money. This concept will be easy to understand, yet a bit more challenging to do. This is where the word RESPONSIBILITY comes into play.
Becoming aware, much less curbing our thoughts can be a major challenge for most of us. For example, when a person is financially struggling and would like to have more money in their life, however, since they don’t have much abundance, they tend to focus on just that. What usually happens in situations such as this is we tend to hold our focus on what’s wrong and in that perspective; not having enough or thoughts of lack. As you can see, this becomes a cycle that perpetuates itself…round and round it goes until you change your perspective, which changes your emotional vibration. Like Abraham Hicks says, “You can’t get there from here”.

Thoughts and Feelings

Thoughts are electric from the brain and evoke emotion. Emotions are vibrational and magnetic that extend vibrationally into our energy field. Emotions are the only words that explain what we are patternsdoing vibrationally. So, when one wants to practice coming into a place where they have a never-ending vibrational frequency where they could be in alignment with what it is they want, they will want to find the words describing how that feels.  This means, describing your feelings and emitting that frequency.

It doesn’t matter what someone is wanting, because, everything that everyone wants is because they believe they will feel better having it. It’s all for the emotional response to the experience of it. If we can conjure the emotional responses and leave out all of the questions that may arise on a mental level, of exactly how it’s going to happen, (because then one would be re-living the past) and instead conjure by observing your life experience and how beautiful it is, (living in the unknown) we then activate the vibration of wellbeing. Feeling wellbeing is the emotional response to beauty. I say living in the unknown, because, we must first feel it to receive it.

Newtonian VS Quantum

You don’t wait for the relationship to feel love and awe… that is the old model of cause and effect, which is when you wait for something outside of you to change how you feel inside of you. And when you feel better from what was, you pay attention to your outside environment which creates an associated memory in the neurons in the brain and gut. Of course, the same thing also happens in a time of trauma.  These are called neural and energetic patterns. Like Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “what’s wired together fires together”. We think and talk about the same stories over and over every day.
To live in a quantum model of reality means you need to teach yourself emotionally how you’re going to feel before you manifest… feel Love for yourself before the relationship. Feel Grateful for abundance. Feel Beauty for well-being. If there is physical evidence that it already occurred, then it will come to you. Epigenetics of reality says you Law-of-attractioncan change your body by thought alone, and neural plasticity says thought can change the brain. Imagine what happens when you consciously connect your thoughts and feelings and then connect them through your heart! That is called heart and mind coherence. Check out Heartmath.com and discover the well-documented science behind how to connect your heart with your mind and learn what our brains and heart do when we practice this!

Becoming Conscious of Unconscious Thoughts

It takes some time to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts. However, letting go of the beliefs that no longer serve you like the self-sabotaging thoughts or thoughts of the past will free up an amazing amount of your energy to use for other projects. This will require the practicepatterns of quieting the thought. Two of the major culprits are we just can shut our mouths or our minds. Stop regurgitating what is wrong!
The Law of Attraction works both ways. It has no judgment.
This is the time to be quiet and stop talking about whatever is holding you back! Stop paying attention to it with that vibration. Because every time you talk about what is wrong, it holds it down; holds it in place. Most people say give me what I want and I will feel better. But you have to feel better before it will come.
When we can finally are able to become quiet and listen, this is when our experiences find us, and not usually in a way we are expecting. It will not come from your past.


I have found meditation to be one of the best ways to do quiet my mind. I also enjoy a nice massage or bodywork that gives me a feeling of indulgence and feeling pampered, and that allows me to relax my body and mind.  The Access Consciousness Bars work is also great for relaxing the mind and treatment for changing emotional patterns. That and practicing listening. Once you get the hang of noticing that space in between all of the words and learn to quiet the mind, even if only temporarily, those hindering beliefs begin to lose power. Doubt stops.

Wecreate-wonderfulness are an extension of source energy. Do you believe anything or anyone is holding you back from this? Maybe something that you are doing? How do your thoughts feel? Which vibrations are you sending out? The doubt, fear, or any self-sabotage will stop with meditation, given time and patience, and being gentle with yourself. We are learning how to be responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and then, of course, our actions. 1. Think about what you want.  2. Practice what it feels like to already have it in your life. 3. Stop thinking about it all the time and Trust, and be Open to Receive without judgment or preconceptions on how it will arrive. 4. Act on the ideas that come to you. 5. Be Heart and Mind Coherent.
Practice the Law of Attraction by allowing your inner being to shine within you. And after a while, it grows and manifests what you truly desire and resonate with. Creating becomes easier and easier until you are simply tuned in to the well-being of yourself every day.  You don’t need to try so hard. It’s right there waiting to come in because you have asked and it has been created. There is no other possibility. Trust in yourself. All there is left to do is experience it.

The Law Of Attraction works a lot better when you know how it works!