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Allowing Emotions to Flow

When we contemplate allowing our emotions to flow through our body, we often link our mental thoughts, emotions, and feelings together. We can mentally put a name on the feeling such as,, “I felt joy and happiness, or rage and anger vibrating through my body”. These emotions move through our bodies as Energy.
Emotion in Latin is a noun “motus” that means movement, motion, moving, move, or stir, and is derived from the Latin word “Emovere” which means to stir the sentiments. What we are describing here is Energy in Motion. And that E-Motion is either moving o through our bodies or has become stagnant.

The Mind-Body Connection

Emotional energy is neutral. It is not until we have a thought that we experience the feeling sensation and then the physiological reaction that leads us to attach a label of feeling a positive or negative perspective. For example, can you remember when you “felt” something, like a “gut feeling” before you mentally thought you knew why?
Emotions are Energy that are naturally meant to move through our bodies and then released. When we do not express our feelings and emotions, this energy is what is referred to by Energy Medicine Therapists as “blocked energy”. When we have blocked energy, it can lead to problems in our bodies. Suppressing and ignoring our feelings can eventually create chronic stress, depression, and low energy.

The Neuroscience of Emotions
In neuroscience, emotion serves as the carrier wave for the entire range of emotions. (A carrier wave is a
high frequency electromagnetic wave that is modulated in amplitude or frequency to convey information or signal.) . Studies have shown the neural circuits of our emotional brain respond faster to stimuli than mental information from our analytical brain. Also, the emotional brain is connected to the entire brain. Sensory and emotional information is recorded into memory first; then thoughts and perceptions are second. This distinction is important as we may increase our emotional intelligence instead of only focusing our attention more on thought-based perspectives.
Our emotional brains are considered to have the overriding power throughout the entire brain and also influence all of our decision-making, memories, present experiences as well as our thought processes.
Our ability to effectively deal with and understand our emotional energy is at the top of the totem pole for our happiness meters. Our bodies give us all the information we need through sensation. When we can pay attention to these sensations we can unlock the blocked energy and patterns that no longer serve us. This is how we can create long-term happiness in our lives. All of these feelings and emotions that are experienced in our bodies tell us who are and what we have gone through, wish for, and daydream about. All we have to do is Pay Attention to our bodies and practice Allowing our Emotions to flow. freely.

Allowing our Emotions to Flow
There are times in our lives when we are feeling opposition to something that is being said, for example in a meeting, or a situation. We feel it’s easier, or safer to remain quiet in certain situations. We could feel angry or resentful emotions but refrain from speaking out. Of course, having healthy boundaries is very important. However, when we choose to “hold in our emotions” it acts like a pressure cooker inside our bodies. Some of the ways we do this are to ignore the feelings in our bodies, self-medicate to bury them, and reactions such as overeating.
When this occurs discovering a solution for allowing emotions to flow is vital for balanced well-being. Growing up we were taught to be “seen and not heard”. Therefore, we have built up the emotional energetic blocks by adding more and more energy traumas as we experience our lives.

There are many different techniques for allowing the emotions to flow. Those blocked energetic emotions that reside in our bodies are ready to be released. There are many different breathing techniques, meditation, and moving your body like in Yoga. or stretching. Relaxing your mind relaxes your body. Allowing emotions to flow can also be facilitated by your alternative care therapist, such as massage therapy, energy medicine healing therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy (releases a lot of emotions!) or BARS work as a few examples. It’s important to be able to feel safe with your therapist. Always check in with how you feel when you speak with them. Trust yourself in the amount of time and level of therapy you need as you unwind the old patterns.

Initiating the Path to Freedom
We ALL have been through a lot of emotional trauma throughout our lives., and we were not taught how to express those emotions in a balanced way. There is also an extensive amount of trauma we are currently experiencing with so much going on in the past few years and this year of 2024. It is now time to take responsibility for ourselves. To discover what Freedom and joy feel like in our bodies and minds. Now is the time to focus on a Solution. There is only one question we must now ask ourselves. What am I going to DO about Allowing my Emotions to Flow?

Our professional and Heart-Centered Team at Returning Balance Therapies located in Glenwood Springs Colorado is here to help. Please visit our website or call us for more information or an appointment.
We send everyone Blessings of Love and Light.