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Leaky Gut Syndrome

What is a Leaky Gut?

“Leaky Gut” has been gaining more attention with natural health practitioners, although with quite a bit of scientific evidence many mainstream medicalwhat-is-a-leaky-gut- (2) professionals do not consider leaky gut as a real condition.
Leaky gut is a digestive condition where bacteria and toxins leak through the intestinal wall and are associated with multiple health problems.

Our Digestive System

Foods are broken down in our digestive tract where nutrients can be absorbed. The walls of our intestines act as barriers to control what enters the bloodstream that is transported to our organs. Our digestive system plays an important role in protecting our bodies from harmful substances.
We have small gaps in the intestinal wall where water and nutrients pass through, while at the same time blocking harmful substances to pass through.

Intestinal Permeability references to how easy it is for substances to pass through the intestinal wall. When these small gaps become loose leaky-gut-symptomsour gut can become more permeable and can allow bad bacteria and toxins to pass from our gut to our bloodstream which can cause widespread inflammation and many reactions from our immune system. This is what is known as “Leaky Gut Syndrome”.
Some symptoms include fatigue, digestive issues, skin problems, food sensitivities and bloating. Many professionals claim that it can be an underlying cause of all sorts of other medical conditions such as migraines, MS, thyroid problems, mood swings, autism, chronic fatigue, and when your connective tissues ache (body aches all over) which is known now as fibromyalgia.
Although very few scientific studies mention leaky gut syndrome, medical professionals do agree that leaky gut does exist in some chronic diseases.

What causes Leaky Gut?
There is a protein called Zonulin, which is the only known regulator of intestinal permeability that we know of right now. The two factors that trigger the release of Zonulin are bacteria in the intestines and gluten, which is a protein found in wheat and other grains. When Zonulin is activated in genetically susceptible people, it can lead to leaky gut. With this stated, some studies have shown that gluten only increased intestinal permeability in people that have conditions of celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
Other factors that may play a role in Leaky Gut include:

  1. Daily use of NASIDS (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen)
  2. Chronic Stress, which is also known as a contributing factor in many intestinal issues.
  3. Nutrient deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Zinc
  4. Chronic inflammation throughout the body
  5. High Sugar Intake harms the function of the intestinal wall.
  6. Yeast overgrowth and Unhealthy Diets

Leaky gut symptoms are common and can be easily treated by changing your diet, L Glutamine, which heals the intestinal wall, enzymes, leaky-gut-healthwhich help break down your food (chewing more thoroughly is also good) and probiotics.  It is always best to check and get advice from your health care provider.
Leaky gut can also be associated with other health problems as well. Often, tests fail to uncover causes of the problem which leaves folks without a diagnosis; leaving them untreated. Taking the time to find the right practitioner who will take time with you and consider your concerns seriously is important.

Christa Wagner of Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado is available for consultation concerning your gut health. She is a certified in Colon Hydrotherapy at C.S. International School of Colon Hydrotherapy in Florida, along with several other certifications.

Find out more about Leaky Gut Syndrome at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado.