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The Importance of Self-Worth

Why does Self-Worth Matter? Self-worth is all about the opinion you have about yourself and the value that you place upon yourself. Self-worth is self-love. When we value ourselves we experience self-respect. The words we hear from our parents, teachers, nannies, and anyone else who may play a major role in our lives are important. […]


Detachments & Attachments: Survival or Service? Releasing our detachments has been a spiritual way of looking at things for some time now. Many refer to it from a Buddhist perspective. Why do people get so attached to their beliefs and the things in their lives? Usually, it’s because of the fear of what is on the […]

Holistic Health Care and Wellness

Holistic Health Care and Wellness in Glenwood Springs Holistic health care and wellness are the concern of many people today.  Many times clients will ask what they can do at home to support their journey towards holistic living and wellness. At first it can be a little overwhelming and seem complicated. Much of the “to […]