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The Importance of Self-Worth

Why does Self-Worth Matter?

Self-worth is all about the opinion you have about yourself and the value that you place upon yourself. Self-worth is self-love. When we value ourselves we experience self-respect.
The words we hear from our parents, teachers, nannies, and anyone else who may play a major role in our lives are important. The words we hear from others can create patterns for the words we say to ourselves. Many of us have unknowingly been culturally programmed to believe that we are “less than” to create a sense of humility within us.
The words we hear when we are growing up as well as the ones we let in throughout our adulthood absolutely matter. Words Matter. If our parents used words that did not feel good; the words that caused feelings of shame and not being good enough will eventually affect our mental health and can leave us feeling anxious or depressed and sinking into the background of life. Believing in your own value is a critical component of balanced mental health.
Self-worth is not about the ego aspects of ourselves. An overactive Ego is more about Self Esteem, although some believe that self-worth and self-esteem (self-centeredness) are the same things. Self-esteem can fluctuate as it’s connected to experiences outside of yourself; like having a bad day at work with the boss or a lover.
When our self-worth (self-esteem) depends on someone else or a situation that is outside of ourselves, or perhaps when we compare ourselves with others is when our self-worth can become unstable. This can lead us down a path to pursuing things that really don’t make us happy.

Remaining in Compassion Self-worth can be developed without losing compassion for others. It is the perspective you have about yourself that creates value. Knowing and believing you are worthy is absolutely essential for happiness and remaining balanced. When we are balanced we can then be our authentic selves and also be in service to others in a balanced way.

Knowing your Self-Worth
One of my favorite mentors, Marisa Peer says, “When you know you are worthy Everyone Else knows you are worthy too”.  Also quoting Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley who states, “You become unfuckwithable”.  People have the sense that they cant “play you” anymore and don’t even try. If they do they will not get far!

Developing Self-Worth
To develop more Self-Worth try beginning to be kinder to yourself than you ever imagined. Say kind things about yourself to yourself. Eat healthy and well. Treat yourself to a spa day, or a great massage. Put yourself at the top of your own totem pole for a change. How you treat yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally says a lot about you and it feels very satisfying when you treat yourself with respect.
Realize that Who You Are is very different from What You Do. We have an unlimited amount of value and strength in who we really are. Self-love is the key.
Try to bring your focus more on being your true authentic self and let go of comparing yourself to others. Stop looking for approval and validation from others as it will only cause suffering. This will also aid in your ability to connect with others more authentically.
Pay very close attention to the words you tell yourself. If you have a negative mindset change it up for more positive thoughts that allow you to feel better about yourself. Self-worth matters because not only do you feel more balanced, but it also affects everyone else as well. Don’t degrade yourself. Making a bad choice does not make you a bad person. Say you are sorry when you need to. Do what you can to make things right. Choose how you want to respond instead of reacting. Spend some time alone and allow yourself to feel what it is you feel. After all, as we become more aware, this allows for change.  As we expand our awareness we become more conscious. Keep going…there is absolutely Nothing wrong with you.

Discover your self-worth by being kind to yourself and treat yourself to a wonderful massage from our heart-centered massage therapists at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado.