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Bounce Back from Shame

Bouncing Back from Shame

What is Shame Resilience? The etymology of resilience dates back to the 1620s; “act of reboundingShame or springing back,” often of immaterial things, from Latin resiliens, present participle of resilire “to rebound, recoil,” from re-“back” (see re-) + salire “to jump, leap” (see salient (adj.)). Compare result (v.). In physical sciences, the meaning “elasticity, power of returning to original shape after compression, etc.” is by 1824.  An easier way to say this is resilience is the ability to get through life’s difficulties and bounce back from them.
Shame is a painful emotion of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrongdoing, verbal or otherwise, by the self or from others, that creates the emotion of feeling not good enough in some way.
One thing is certain and that is most people do not want to discuss their shame. How does it affect our bodies and our decisions? Everyone has felt or experienced shame at some point in their lives. Even our own thoughts can cause this lower vibrational emotion. How can we clear the triggers and patterns and Bounce-Back to our Authenticity? If you experience shame know that there is light at the end of this tunnel.

Shame is an Emotion that we are usually conscious of, although many times it can live within us on a subconscious level. Shame can bring an awareness of feeling unworthy, regretful, and inadequate, and bad about ourselves; basically feeling that you’re not enough, which can lead to disconnection from society, ourselves, and source.  While we all can feel the emotion of shame at some point in our lives, this lower vibrational emotion can also be very toxic when felt all of the time and can also lead to withdrawing from others as well as many different kinds of Shame-emotionsaddictions, including sexual and hormone addictions, that many may not be conscious of. Whether is avoidance or addictions, when we feel shame we attempt to cover it up so we don’t feel the impact.
There are many factors and reasons as to why people feel chronic shame.  The level and the triggers associated are different for everyone as our cultures, personalities, and main event experiences can greatly differ that cause different reactions to triggers and daily life choices.

All emotions emit signals that affect our sympathetic nervous system. Due to the fact that shame is an emotional aspect of ourselves; the emotion of shame triggers our flight, fight, freeze or hide reactions, releasing stress hormones from our adrenal glands such as hydrocortisone (cortisol) and epinephrine (adrenaline), and other neurotransmitters.  Both of these neurotransmitters can be addictive as they give us a rush of energy and are also linked to our experiences. (This could be playing a video game addiction to feeling shame.) These hormones also play different biochemical roles in our bodies.  For example, a high percentage of Adrenalineadrenal-neurotransmitters binds to the receptors on the heart and heart vessels which leads to a higher heart rate and also increased respiration. Cortisol binds to the receptors on our liver, fat cells, and pancreas. This increases glucose levels and the increase of blood flow to the heart making it available for muscles to use, such as when we are in flight from a predator. What should be a temporary situation of flight for 15 minutes or so (and we return back to homeostasis) often turns into a daily stress flow of hormones, and hormone addiction, where then cortisol and adrenaline also inhibit other systems in our bodies such as our immune system, reproduction, and digestion, and, unfortunately affecting our long-term health. Constant stress does this, and so does feeling shame all of the time.
If one were to see a mainstream doctor, they may most likely prescribe a beta-blocker and perhaps other pharmaceutical medications to reduce stress and anxiety. However, there are other alternatives and options to relieve stress that allow the deepening of our understanding and clearing shame triggers and the experiences energetically from where it’s held in our energy fields and bodies which allows your authentic self to shine through.

With so many ways of experiencing shame, whatever the source or trigger is, the experience of shame causes deterioration of our self-esteem and feels devastating causing a range of feelings from hate, rage, and anxiety to depression and loneliness, which can leave one feeling empty. When one can recover from the experience of shame they have the opportunity to discover how to stop and pause to take a look at what is going on within so one may improve and make different decisions the next time around when experiencing the shame triggers.

Receiving the Help you Need to shift from shame all begins with being to identify the emotions of shame. Because shame is an emotion people try to hide this can be challenging to ask for help, as one is admitting feeling the emotions of shame, and many can also feel that Shame-Freethey actually deserve to feel it. However, know that shame is treatable and serves no purpose. Brené Brown’s shame resilience theory has an easy-to-understand approach for stopping and overcoming shame. Brown states that resilience and overcoming shame has four components:
“Recognizing signs of shame and understanding a person’s triggers for shame.
Critical awareness of shame, including its cultural and interpersonal function.
Reaching out to others to share your story.”
Giving voice to feelings of shame, since shame derives much of its power from secrecy.”

It is important to address all aspects of the self as each is important. After the physiological aspects have been addressed one can then look to alternative vibrational therapies to recalibrate the energies held in the bio-field and physical body, recalibrating the frequencies forever. Shame can be shifted and healed so one can move forward in life experiencing authentic joy and happiness with healthy boundaries enabling one to live out their ideas in a way that creates security and self-esteem.

Returning Balance Therapies offers a variety of treatments including the Access Consciousness Bars Work, which aids in recalibration the emotions and reprogramming the neural pathways (patterns) in the brain.

Discover loving heart-centered treatments at Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado.