Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Spring Forward Now

Spring Forward Inspires Action

It’s time to Spring Forward! Spring invites us into the inspiration of movement that was envisioned during the winter months of deep introspection and discovering what changes we want to implement into our lives. Dreaming and visualizing, meditating, telling stories, and allowing new ideas to surface during the winter months inspire and propel us to take action and implement those ideas and changes in the spring.  Without the creative process and visions during the winter months, we would become stagnant. The cycles of the seasons correlate with the cycles of our lives that allow us to evolve and enjoy the ebb and flow of life we create and experience.

Spring forward now into action to make the new choices that create new possibilities. It’s important not to be caught up in the fear of the unknown, as during the winter months we have been weaving our creativity and building up the excitement. Now that Spring is here it’s time to Spring Forward and place those desired projects into action. Fear can keep us in old cycles where things remain the same. It’s known as that “safe place” where nothing much ever changes.

It’s important when we take inspired action to establish new commitments and create clear boundaries. When we choose a path that excites us anything is possible as we are now working with the creator energy of Passion. When is the last time you felt passion for creating something new or allowing change into your life? Passion gets our hearts pumping; it’s that feeling of exhilaration and excitement at the beginning of something new.

Committing to the Visions of Happiness

When we build up energy during the winter months it’s important to direct that energy with commitment and keep the vision from winter clear. How often have we witnessed a marathon runner give up just before the finish line? This is how we keep old patterns in place and create obstacles.
When we give up on our creative endeavors we can become angry or frustrated.  The shoulda woulda coulda’s come up and we end up feeling defeated and unsettled.
Spring is the time of remaining grounded, balanced, and focused on the creative task. It’s a New Beginning and time to break away from old habits, patterns, and preconceived notions.
Sometimes the feelings of frustration can create a more robust determination and we can see that our goal is not only possible but also within reach.

April showers will always bring May flowers.
After we have persevered in our spring commitments, and summer approaches we can feel that energy of satisfaction in planting the seeds that are now in full swing preparing to bear the fruit of our wisdom.  Our persistence pays off and we can relax after spending time and energy making choices and exploring all of the options. It’s a time to relax and enjoy the bounty of what has been created as it’s all now paying off for the future.

It’s the building of the energy surrounding the ideas during the winter months that invites us to create; to make bold changes and decisions, and follow through in the Spring, so we can then enjoy the fruits of our labor and relax during the summer months ahead. I am reminded of mango trees, as the fruit is now growing on the branches. The tree has stored the energies required in the winter months, and now has made the commitment during the spring, now growing the fruit on its branches to be enjoyed in the summer.
During the fall months, there is a quiet place that will lead to new ideas as we hibernate during the winter months. The cycles of life and nature work with us and allow us to expand, evolve and create the happiness and abundance in life we all deserve.

Should you feel unable to move forward in life contact Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The heart-centered and highly qualified staff can facilitate clearing what no longer serves you so that you may move forward in life and enjoy the abundance and happiness you deserve.

Spring Forward Now and Live Your Dreams