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Journal for Health Today

Journal for Health and Well-being

When we journal for health we have the opportunity to have a more peaceful life. Journaling can help us control our symptoms. When we can prioritize our concerns and problems we can then look at the fear or other underlying feelings and determine how much power and energy we want to give to those. Are the fears true or just a made-up story in our minds?
Writing things down aids us in viewing ourselves, especially what our triggers are. After all, whatever it is that gets you upset would be your perspective in motion; your triggers. Journaling helps us by allowing us to see ourselves and identify the positive and negative aspects, therefore, making it easier to take responsibility to shift our moods.

The Stress is ON

The medical profession has all agreed that Stress is the largest precursor to illnesses and diseases. We live a high-powered life these days. It’s not uncommon to hear, “I just don’t have enough time in my day” to do more work, play with the kids, time for the self, cook dinner; and the list goes on. We run around like a great big pressure cooker with legs! Not only externally, but then we also have that little voice inside us thinking non-stop and adding to the tension and stress, as well as the outside forces such as television and the news channels. This stress affects the heart, organs, and muscles in a negative way. We always make time for the things we really want to do. Set aside time to journal or try it in the present moment inspiration. It’s also very easy to take a smaller travel journal with you in your bag.

How to Journal

If you’re wondering what to write about you’re not alone. A good idea is to have a daily journal practice. One easy way to begin is by writing what you are grateful for every day. This brings your focus and attention to things that you already have and would like to continue to have and perhaps want more of. How does it feel to be grateful? What other wonderful experiences did you have today? This will help to relieve your stress, and, feeling the energies of gratitude throughout the day will change your life. After all, happiness is all about perspective.

It can be easy to get caught up in all the drama and the stories that go with them. When we can write them down this helps us to look at them objectively. A negative thought may enter your mind. This is okay!
You could start with “I’m having a thought that” … This distance you create is actually called cognitive defusion, which is a helpful concept from acceptance and commitment therapy. So, basically, this means that if your thoughts do not serve you, you do not have to believe them. By journalling, you can use this to see your thoughts as separate from you.

Writing down your thoughts and feelings is the beginning of understanding what decisions you need to make. When we write things down we know our emotions and thoughts are in a safe space. Putting names to our feelings allows us to better accept ourselves and difficult emotions will become easier to bring back into balance. Your emotions will be surfacing one way or another. Your emotions are trying to tell you something. Try journaling as it sure beats that pressure cooker blowing up!

Journal for Health Every Day!
Take the opportunity to discover more about yourself every day. There are so many things one can write about from the self’s perspective and if you need a timer at first set one. Today’s practice looks a little different. Are you in love with your notebook? Did you find a pen that you can’t put down? If you’re not a journaler, give some thought to how you’d like to take up the practice. Will you be traditional or go digital? Leave a note when you’ve spent fifteen minutes either journaling or contemplating your journaling practice. Writing can take place at the same time every day or in the morning, at night…. both…it does not matter. Whatever feels comfortable for you. And do not worry about your grammar or spelling mistakes.

Some things to write about could be: What am I Grateful for today? (my favorite)
Note how much you have evolved. Become clear on what you want to bring into your life. What does your Heart REALLY want? Today’s practice is a little different. Are you in love with your notebook? Did you find a pen that you can’t put down? If you’re not a journaler, give some thought to how you’d like to take up the practice. Will you be traditional or go digital? Leave a note when you’ve spent fifteen minutes either journaling or contemplating your journaling practice. Today’s practice is a little different. Are you in love with your notebook? Did you find a pen that you can’t put down? If you’re not a journaler, give some thought to how you’d like to take up the practice. Will you be traditional or go digital? Leave a note when you’ve spent fifteen minutes either journaling or contemplating your journaling practice.zOr notice, have you been programmed to want it? Or, if you woke up tomorrow and had everything you really wanted how would that feel? What does that look like? Who are you with? What do you like to do? Yes, you can write your new story!  Or perhaps a favorite memory that brings a smile. Drawing a picture is also fun! Creative journaling can be any type of art such as cutting out magazine photos and words, painting, drawing, or pasting photos.

We have just begun the new year 2023.  Remember to take care of yourself by breathing deeply with your nose, drinking clean water, meditating, laughing a lot, receiving self-care with bi-monthly or monthly massage or healing sessions, and journal for health every day in self-exploration. (we accept Workers’ Compensation) Pay great attention to how you speak to yourself as well as to others. Kindness costs us nothing and changes everything.
From all of us at Returning Balance Therapies we support your health, happiness, and journal for health success!

Discover Journal for Health and other healing modalities by visiting our website: ReturningBalance.com.
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