Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Change and Allow Solutions

Create Change and Allow Solutions

CHANGE is certainly in season right now. This could mean moving or a relationship change, or aEmbraceChange change in your career. Sometimes these changes have the perfect timing that flows in your life. On the other end of that stick are the feelings that you are experiencing are actually from the issues that keep coming up in your mind and then manifest into your experiences. This can create the urge for running away and not facing what is happening head on.

Running from your problems really never works in the long run. Our minds have been trained to focus on what is negative instead of what is positive. There can be feelings of blame and being the ‘victim’ or feeling depressed and withdrawn. The rational mind will come up with all of the excuses why something is not your fault, or why you think something negative is going to happen, or perhaps self blame.

Most folks have a pattern of projecting their problems onto others. It’s the “if only they would do ‘this’then I would be happy”, or “I am never going to be able to afford that” or “Men/Women are cheaters and I am never going to find a good partner”. “they wont” , “I can’t”, and other beginning statements like these create lack of self esteem and feelings of not being enough. These types of thoughts over and over create patterns that continue to reRunningAwaypeat themselves in an experience. Patterns are cyclic. As these patterns experientially repeat themselves this gives you the feeling of authority to say, “See, I told you so”.  Round and round you go, and the cycle continues.

These type of issues and cycles are the ones that continually pop up in our thoughts and feelings and are expressed in interactions with others.  This could be at every job you have or perhaps attracting one unhealthy relationship after another.
Moving may solve these situations for the short-term. However, the base beliefs one holds in their their everyday thoughts are the wired neural pathways that have either been created or allowed in by you.

Change the Neurons

Some of these neurons are hard wired, connecting to many other neurons, and have been allowed and created in during early childhood, and some pathways are newer with less connections. ChangeOfNeuronsThese beliefs and patterns have been allowed in unconsciously and programmed in your brain without you consciously realizing it and stored in our subconscious mind. Our Rational Mind is like a computer. It’s been programmed by you. Some beliefs and thought patterns are handed down and from parents, teachers, clergy, movies, books, television, our friends and lovers, and society. All of these people want us to be like them and know what they know; believe what they believe.
These patterns that are wired together will simply continue to repeat themselves in your experiences until you do something about changing the pattern. No matter where you go, the patterns you have created or the beliefs of others that you have allowed in will continue to express themselves in any new situation eventually.

Urges for change can actually feel like a craving to run away from issues that really need to be faced rather than avoided. When something negative happens in our lives that does not feel good we tend to shut our energy down. We back away, or “hide”. This is actually the time to really Open Up our energies. Moving through and facing what is happening allows our energy to Flow and creates a positive change. We can then become more aware of whSolutionsat is actually inside us that is creating the problems. When we do this the solution can present itself easily. This could be about letting go of anger or other thoughts and feelings that do not create what you really want. For example, one will not be able to create abundance by focusing on lack. There is always a solution waiting to be expressed for every problem.

How can you tell if your running away or making a new choice that is free and clear from past encumbrances? Ask yourself, “Am I making this choice because it feels like I am creating something new and exciting?”  and then ask, “Am I making this choice because it is going to feel better and is not where I am now?” Are you escaping and taking your baggage with you? or are you creating new change with positive intentions? Always focus inside. Allow the Solution to come to you by opening up your energy.

Challenges of Change

Changing patterns can be challenging because one needs to face and observe the beliefs that have been created or let in. Some people are afraid of the pain that may surface. However, facingFreedomOfChoice our issues and problems and changing the patterns creates FREEDOM. What comes up will only be moments in comparison to living with them for a lifetime.
While the secret to getting ahead is getting started, its good to know that it is always a bit messy in the middle and fabulous in the end. Your rational mind only knows what you have told it.
Try telling yourself something different today. Over and over until your rational mind agrees with you. It does not happen overnight, but it will happen! Take a moment to think about it.. how long have you told yourself things that do not really serve your happiness and well being?

When we have cleared those unwanted patterns that no longer serve us and intentionally create new patterns and beliefs that are filled with joy, beauty, grace and abundance, the decisions you make will feel easy and you will be clear as you create with precise intention. Change will no longer be about the “big escape plan”. With repeated and direct attention towards a desired change we all have the ability to rewire our brains.

Ultimately, this is a daily inside job; focusing on being present and mindful every day! Change-Inside-JobHowever, assistance is also a blessing to get started and then to keep things moving in facilitating the clearing of old patterns.
Returning Balance Therapies offers treatment with Access Consciousness Bars Work Therapy that will assist in the change of your neural pathways and reconnect your brain into heart coherence.  Call Christa Wagner for an appointment today and begin (or continue) to change your life.
Also offering Massage Therapy and Colon Hydrotherapy for your health and wellness life plan.

Change and open to solution by focusing inside, practicing mindfulness and becoming conscious of being unconscious, and then conscious of being conscious! This will allow you to create the FREEDOM to BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF… now that is creating a blessed life indeed!

Returning Balance Therapies facilitates health and wellness on your path of Change and Solution.