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Colon Intelligence and Neuron Networks

Colon Intelligence and Your Brain

Colon Intelligence is amazing! Are you aware that you have more than one brain? You actually3-brains have 3 brains! One in your head, one in your Heart, and one in your Colon, or Large Intestine. These “Three Brains” are conducted like an orchestra as billions of neurons cooperate to produce perfect harmony as the network of neurons works together in a synchronistic fashion.

The Brain of Colon Intelligence
The Large Intestine connects the small intestine to the rectum and moves what remains of the foods you’ve eaten through the last part of the digestive tract. The reason that scientists call this part colon intelligence your Enteric Nervous System is because it can function without receiving instructions from the brain or spine. Many call this our “second or third brain”. So, how smart is this autonomous colon intelligence intestinal brain? Well, science does not know for sure, however, according to a study in mice published in the Journal J Neurosci, it’s super smart for a part of our intestine!
What is the Enteric Nervous System? (ENS)

The Enteric Nervous System is the section of our nervous system that runs across our digestive system (not our central nervous system or autonomic nervous system). nerve-ending-activityThis “brain” has its own reflexes and is independent of the brain or spinal cord.
A team of researchers from Australia observed what is called the second brain or the third brain used high-precision neuronal imaging techniques to discover that there are millions of neurons that are essential for the organization of the behavior of the intestine in mice. Of course, this is the first time the neuron-firing pattern has been detected for colon intelligence and researchers feel confident that this applies to other mammals and humans as well. These scientists also hypothesized that the ENS evolved before the central nervous system, which would mean that this firing pattern may be the first or second brain and not our Third Brain. Mammal brains may have evolved to first move poop, and then deal with other business at hand. However, much more study on this will be required, especially in humans to be put into a medical textbook.

Butterflies in your Tummy?

We also have feelings in our Intestinal tracts, like “Butterflies in our stomachs”. When we feel neurons-enteric-nervous-system-anger, sadness, and elation or feeling stressed out, these symptoms are triggered in our stomachs and we can feel it right away! This is also how the body holds emotions. What causes this fluttering to happen? It’s due to the brain and the gastrointestinal system are closely and intimately connected. This signal in our gut is part of our physiological stress response. Scientist Gershon says, “The Enteric Nervous System uses more than 30 neurotransmitters, just like the brain” and that 95 percent of the body’s serotonin is found in the bowels. There are hundreds of millions of neurons connecting the brain to the ENS, which controls the gastrointestinal system. 50% of the neurotransmitter dopamine also lies in the gut.

What does this Colon Intelligence mean for us and taking care of our gut?

Taking care of our gut is obviously connected to a lot of other issues we may have. By De-Stressing our bodies with regular massage we can relax and let go of stress and anxiety,tension-release and massage also allows our system to flush. Once a week massage is suggested for optimal health if possible, although, with that stated, you can have great results with a monthly massage as well. Taking care of yourself with diet, exercise, healthy happier thoughts and plenty of clean water go a long way for health and wellness.

As for our Intelligent Colons, keeping it tidy, clean and working efficiently helps all of the mechanisms to work together for our optimum health.Colon-Hydrotherapy-Happy-Gut Colon Hydrotherapy can aid in keeping your GI tract balanced. When our bodies are in balance, our minds are naturally in balance. One cannot have one without the other, as they are forever intrinsically connected.

Returning Balance Therapies offers treatment in Colon Hydrotherapy and many different types of massage therapy.

Call Christa Wagner today with any questions or to make your appointment. You deserve it!

Discover Returning Balance Therapies to learn more about Colon Intelligence for colon health and wellness in Glenwood Springs Colorado.