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The Flow of Life

The Ebb and Flow of Life

The flow of life resembles the flowing river, ebbing and flowing sometimes around the rocks, sometimes over the rocks, and many times it feels as if we are running the rapids feeling the cortisol and adrenaline rush over and over until finally, it slows down again and we come back into homeostasis. This then leads us to the calm slow-moving river where it may spread out as in the same way when we open our arms and take a deep breath to allow ourselves to relax and regenerate. All of these varied speeds on the river are examples of our journey here on earth and each is a very important part of our perspectives and the ebb and flow of life.

I often hear people say they are not busy enough at work, and yet, when they are, they are then saying how they could use a break! Learning how to utilize the ebb and flow of our lives is important for our mental, emotional, and physical balance. When we can learn how to embrace and allow our natural flow we have great potential to be creative and become happier, and healthier within ourselves and in all of our relationships.

As we move into adulthood and the years go by we often forget about the flow we felt so naturally as children. We never really leave the flow of life. We only become unconscious of the flow by focusing constantly on our thoughts, pushing every day and reaching for want we want and like, and having resistance to what we don’t like or believe in. This can give one the illusion of separateness from source; separate from our natural flow of life and each other. Awakening to this awareness and becoming fully engaged are the first steps toward allowing the flow of life and then learning again how to open back up to trust this life where joy and well-being emanate. 

Acceptance plays a big role in allowing our natural flow of life.

Change in life is also like the flowing river. Nothing will ever remain the same.  In fact, change is one thing you can count on. We are undergoing constant change and redirection. Accepting this fact about change will create more flow in your life and it will also be easier to focus in the present moment. When we can understand that we do not have control over others, and only over our own thoughts, feelings, and choices (which create our perspective in every experience), is then that we easily manifest our full potential and allow our talents and gifts to bloom. When we have full acceptance of ourselves we can stand in our own power and come from a solid grounded place that is easily shared with others. Where your attention goes your energy flows. Kick, scream and have a tantrum…, however, change is happening one way or the other.

Take Time to REST
Sometimes ideas or plans do not work out. Relationships, money, health issues, and on and on. Remain motivated and continue forward. When it feels like we are not moving at all know that we are always moving forward, no matter how slow. Rest and rejuvenate to gather energy and new ideas. This includes “working” on yourself. If you have been going to workshops, retreats, and classes on the inner self, please, allow yourself time to integrate. Give yourself a REST from mental and emotional processing! Allow life to flow and unfold. We do not need to be constantly fixed to fit into someone else’s idea of what our life should look like or be. How could we ever find our own authenticity?  Sure, sometimes we need a bit of assistance and those small adjustments in the wheel. Or perhaps a huge shift! However, allow yourself time to integrate between courses and classes, and acknowledge that there is absolutely Nothing Wrong with You!

Consciously Evolving
Without contrast in our lives, we could never evolve. We are electromagnetic beings of mostly wave (99.99) and matter (.001). Everything is Consciousness. Due to the vibrational increases from space weather and so many people who are becoming more aware and present, many people are currently realigning and recalibrating their vibrations. We know this because our “stuff” is surfacing, as it too, seeks change. It will become impossible to have one leg on one side of the fence representing the old ways and perspectives that carry lower frequencies, and one leg on the other side that holds a higher vibration, where lower vibrational thoughts and feelings cannot exist. The dimensional “application” simply won’t allow it as lower frequencies of thoughts and words will not resonate with the higher frequencies. You will end up feeling like your doing the splits!

Give yourself Time to Shift.
Give yourself a break from everything. It’s time to live our lives and flow in life like the river; neverendingThe-Shift like our breath. Get clarity about your authentic self. WHO AM I?
When we seek this awareness within ourselves we can then expand our awareness and evolve. Accept yourself, love yourself and forgive yourself if need be, as we are all right where we are supposed to be due to our culture and beliefs passed down to us; our thought patterns, feelings, and all of the choices we have made in our lives. There is nothing wrong with us. We are simply in a shift of consciousness.

Feel the flow of life. When you are ready for assistance to regenerate, integrate, ground, and feel more balance please contact Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado.