Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

Vulnerability and Courage

Vulnerability in Relationship

When we think about the word Vulnerability it opens up very old energies around not feeling safe and beingThe Strength In Vulnerability: The Freedom Beyond Fear. open to potential disaster; basically, we are feeling open and exposed.  Showing vulnerability involves revealing aspects of ourselves that may feel uncomfortable if we have had previous experiences of being betrayed, hurt, or perhaps fear of being judged, especially when having mental or medical issues.  We usually love it when we feel that others are open and honest with us. However, when it’s our time to share we can start to freak out inside and suddenly our vulnerability can feel like a sign of weakness and disconnectedness. And when we consider vulnerability to be a weakness we can also consider feeling emotions to be a weakness as well. It’s risky business!
The entomology of the word Vulnerable stems from late Latin vulnerabilis, wounding, from Latin vulnero (“I wound”) also with Indo-European roots.
The word vulnerable itself has a general connotation of being open to attack; capable of being physically or emotionally wounded from an outside source. It is at this juncture where we can either choose to shut down our hearts to protect ourselves or remain open in trust. When we choose to open ourselves to being vulnerable, it connects us with other people and opens us up to creativity, empathy, love, and joy. When we shield ourselves from hurt and close down our vulnerability, we also shield ourselves from love, intimacy, and deep connection. Vulnerability is the driving force of connection. It’s brave and at the same time, it’s sweet and tender, and impossible to truly have a deep connection without it.
When we allow ourselves to see what makes up our own vulnerability from our past shattered-ness we can easily discover that it has a strength and feels more like courage. We can then address our own issues instead of projecting them onto others and create the Freedom to be Authentic.

Living with Courage

What kind of choices would we be making if we made our decisions and actions without the base of fear or shame? Would we really keep the same old routine job or let go of relationships that hurt and did not serve our highest good? Would we share with people how we really feel, like telling them we deeply love them? Set higher goals?
Nothing is written in stone that disappointment won’t happen from time to time. By allowing vulnerability we can heal our fractured parts and create heart coherence with our whole being.  My Musings - Masks | Muse MagazineHowever, one thing we can be sure of is that we CAN trust that we will cope if a disappointment happens.
Not only does that shield we put up use a lot more of our energy, but it’s also much more challenging to live walking around the outskirts of something that feels important. When we want more but never feel that we can drop our guard enough means never allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to let in what we really desire. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, it is truly is an act of courage as we are merging with our authentic selves instead of hiding behind the tall walls only to appease another.
Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable takes courage, but it’s Worth It! Why? Because it’s worth it to be our Authentic Selves and live in joy, and experience a deep connection with others.


When we allow our hearts to expand so big that nothing negative can affect us, the judgments of others flow like water off a duck’s back; leaving no trace. Vulnerability allows our innate and natural strengths toVulnerability in the heart center | Rexburg Yoga emerge from our hearts.
There is also something else to be conscious of, and that is that being vulnerable is about embracing boundaries and trust. Vulnerability is about sharing our true feelings and experiences with those who have earned the right to hear that truth. There are those you hold close or want to, who are worth taking a risk for.
“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.” — Haruki Murakami

Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado offers a safe space to be your authentic self and support your unique path. We offer our loving support mentally, emotionally, energetically, and physically offering healing modalities of  Access Consciousness Bars, Colon Hydrotherapy, Placentia Encapsulation, and Massage Therapy Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Swedish, Reiki, and S.M.R.T (Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique). We also specialize in Pregnancy Massage and Medical Massage such as Workers Compensation, Auto Accident, and Post Surgery Care. Please call Christa Wagner for more information or to schedule an appointment at (970) 618-2492. Thank you.

Returning Balance Therapies in Glenwood Springs Colorado heart-centered staff supports you in your vulnerability and expression your authentic self on your healing path.