Welcome to Returning Balance Therapies

The Flow of Life

The Ebb and Flow of Life The flow of life resembles the flowing river, ebbing and flowing sometimes around the rocks, sometimes over the rocks, and many times it feels as if we are running the rapids feeling the cortisol and adrenaline rush over and over until finally, it slows down again and we come […]

Finding Peace Within

Peace Within Creates Peace Without What does this mean when we say peace within creates peace without? You may have heard the quote before, “As within, so without”. What this means is that all is created from inside ourselves first, then we can experience peace outside ourselves through acceptance. Most folks would not argue the […]

Enjoy Gut-Friendly Food

Gut-Friendly Food for the Holidays During the holidays’ gut-friendly food is so important! What use to be one of the most relaxing times out of the year, holidays have now become filled with extra commitments and stress creating anxiety and feelings of self-medicating or overindulging; whether it be alcohol,  food, or other prescribed medications. Extra […]

Bounce Back from Shame

Bouncing Back from Shame What is Shame Resilience? The etymology of resilience dates back to the 1620s; “act of rebounding or springing back,” often of immaterial things, from Latin resiliens, present participle of resilire “to rebound, recoil,” from re-“back” (see re-) + salire “to jump, leap” (see salient (adj.)). Compare result (v.). In physical sciences, […]

What is the Law of Attraction?

Working with the Law of Attraction By now, I think most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction”. It’s all over YouTube, social media, talking or advertising about how you can get rich, find the perfect mate, dream job, and on and on. In this article, I will do my best to explain […]

Trust and Allow in Abundance

When You Trust, Allowing becomes Natural! When we can’t trust ourselves and move forward making decisions, we are actually holding ourselves back from abundance on all levels; work, relationships, and creating our deepest desires and dreams. What prevents us from moving forward and allowing the ease and flow of life? Where do our doubts and fears […]

Allowing Authenticity

Allowing Authenticity in You and Others Allowing authenticity in ourselves can teach us to practice allowing authenticity in others. Allowing authenticity can bring us freedom and joy! Each of us is unique. There is not another person on this planet that is exactly like us.  We all have an individual energy signature and every single […]

Be Responsible in Forgiveness

Forgiveness is For Giving “Do not ask me for forgiveness, be responsible, and forgive.” What does this mean? Every time you ask for forgiveness or say “I’m sorry”, what are you asking for? We usually say I’m sorry without really knowing why. Perhaps what we are looking for is to stop feeling guilty, so it’s like letting […]


Detachments & Attachments: Survival or Service? Releasing our detachments has been a spiritual way of looking at things for some time now. Many refer to it from a Buddhist perspective. Why do people get so attached to their beliefs and the things in their lives? Usually, it’s because of the fear of what is on the […]

Discover Love Languages

Love Languages Show A Way of Love Love Languages are different ways of expressing our love for another on an emotional level. Gary Chapman, who is a marriage counselor for over 30 years has written a book about the five basic love languages that allow us to express ourselves emotionally. Each of these has a […]