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Coffee Enema and Colon Hydrotherapy
Coffee Enema and Colon Hydrotherapy combinations have become well known due to their effective means of assisting the liver to

Mindful Eating on Holidays
Mindful Eating allows us to bring our attention to eating for our health every day. With the holidays approaching this

Feeling into Wisdom
Feeling into wisdom is about looking deeper at what triggers us and focusing inside ourselves to discover how the current

Why Healthy Fascia is Important
Why is Healthy Fascia important for our bodies? And, what exactly is Fascia?? The importance of Healthy Fasica has been

Allowing Emotions to Flow
When we contemplate allowing our emotions to flow through our body, we often link our mental thoughts, emotions, and feelings

Self-Care when Grieving
Self-Care When You’re Grieving Learning how to care for yourself when you’re going through grieving can feel challenging especially if

Massage on Vacation to Unwind
Benefits of Massage on Vacation Most folks desire a massage on vacation. However, when is a good time to receive

Regenerate Our Bodies Now
We Can Regenerate Our Bodies Through the amazing advances of science, we now know that we can regenerate our bodies
Spring Forward Now
Spring Forward Inspires Action It’s time to Spring Forward! Spring invites us into the inspiration of movement that was envisioned
Journal for Health Today
Journal for Health and Well-being When we journal for health we have the opportunity to have a more peaceful life.
Chronic Inflammation
Root Causes of Chronic Inflammation If you have chronic inflammation or pain in your body read on! For a disclaimer,
Massage Therapy Relieves Stress
Massage therapy relieves stress, Studies have shown significant changes with Trigger Point massage therapy.
The Importance of Self-Worth
Why does Self-Worth Matter? Self-worth is all about the opinion you have about yourself and the value that you place
Can we change our personality?
Is it Possible to Change Our Personality? Is it possible to change our personality? What exactly is our personality? Our
The Flow of Life
The Ebb and Flow of Life The flow of life resembles the flowing river, ebbing and flowing sometimes around the
Finding Peace Within
Peace Within Creates Peace Without What does this mean when we say peace within creates peace without? You may have
Enjoy Gut-Friendly Food
Gut-Friendly Food for the Holidays During the holidays’ gut-friendly food is so important! What use to be one of the
Bounce Back from Shame
Bouncing Back from Shame What is Shame Resilience? The etymology of resilience dates back to the 1620s; “act of rebounding
What is the Law of Attraction?
Working with the Law of Attraction By now, I think most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction”.
Trust and Allow in Abundance
When You Trust, Allowing becomes Natural! When we can’t trust ourselves and move forward making decisions, we are actually holding ourselves
Allowing Authenticity
Allowing Authenticity in You and Others Allowing authenticity in ourselves can teach us to practice allowing authenticity in others. Allowing
Be Responsible in Forgiveness
Forgiveness is For Giving “Do not ask me for forgiveness, be responsible, and forgive.” What does this mean? Every time you
Detachments & Attachments: Survival or Service? Releasing our detachments has been a spiritual way of looking at things for some
Discover Love Languages
Love Languages Show A Way of Love Love Languages are different ways of expressing our love for another on an
Vulnerability and Courage
Vulnerability in Relationship When we think about the word Vulnerability it opens up very old energies around not feeling safe
Belief Systems
Become Curious about Belief Systems We have all heard of the term “Belief Systems”. What exactly are belief systems, and
Gratitude Shift Now
Conscious Gratitude Shift Gratitude Shift… What does gratitude shift feel like? What does it mean to shift into gratitude on
Healthy Living Gives More Time
Healthy Living does not take time It Gives Time Healthy Living and our health concerns are a priority right now
Ripple Kindness Create Change
Ripple Kindness and Create Joy Ripple Kindness. Kindness is something that lives within us and is to be shared with
Probiotics for Health
Probiotics for a Healthy Gut What exactly are Probiotics and how do they work? Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria) that are
Release Fear of Failure
Release Fear of Failure to Create The fear of failure can arise when we have new ideas, relationships, or business
The Gift of Receiving
Allowing the Amazing Gifts of Receiving We have a wonderful opportunity to expand our consciousness when we allow ourselves to
Eating for Health
Eating for Health and A Change Health is what is on everyone’s mind right now as we are all directed
Aromatherapy Massage Therapy
Aromatherapy Massage and You Most people have heard about aromatherapy massage, and also would like to use essential oils for
Change and Allow Solutions
Create Change and Allow Solutions CHANGE is certainly in season right now. This could mean moving or a relationship change,
Cleanse and Detox 2020
Cleanse and Detoxing for 2020 Planning a cleanse and detox for the new year 2020 may be something your considering.
Self-Care During the Holidays
Holiday Self-Care Self-care should always be at the top of our lists. Many times, our attention is spread out over
Happy Holiday Massage Therapy
Happy Holiday Massage Therapy A Happy Holiday Massage Therapy treatment may be what your body needs! It can be challenging
Returning Balance Therapies New Location
Returning Balance Therapies New Location in Glenwood Springs We want to let everyone know that Returning Balance Therapies has relocated
Leaky Gut Syndrome
What is a Leaky Gut? “Leaky Gut” has been gaining more attention with natural health practitioners, although with quite a
Trigger Point Massage Injury Rehabilitation
Trigger Point Massage Therapy & Injury Rehabilitation There is a wide variety of sports and exercise and anyone who is
Practice Your Intuition
The Power of Intuition What is Intuition? Intuition is known as a person’s capacity to obtain or have direct knowledge
Living in Gratitude Every Day
Feeling Gratitude is the Attitude Gratitude basically means feeling thanks and appreciation. Many people take gratitude for granted. Sure, of
Workers Compensation Insurance for Massage
Insurance: Workers Compensation for Massage When your hurt on the job, Workers Compensation Insurance for Massage an important part of
Appendix Health-Healthy Gut
Healthy Gut and our Appendix Appendix truth finally emerges! It feels commonplace to us when we hear about someone having
Colon Intelligence and Neuron Networks
Colon Intelligence and Your Brain Colon Intelligence is amazing! Are you aware that you have more than one brain? You
Massage Therapy Luxury or Necessity?
Massage Therapy a Luxury or Necessity? Are you looking for a Glenwood Springs Massage Therapy treatment? Are you the type of
Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleanse Glenwood Springs
Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleanse Many clients come in for a colon hydrotherapy detox cleanse while doing some sort of
Glenwood Springs Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special
Glenwood Springs Therapeutic Special Returning Balance Therapies Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special The Bridge Closure Therapeutic Special is ON! There is no escaping
Spring Cleansing Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse
Spring Clean the Inside with Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse Ahh! Spring is in the air. Its such a refreshing time as